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The Differences Between "Test Coverage" and "Code Coverage"

As developers, we often hear terms like "test coverage" and "code coverage" thrown around in discussions about software quality. While they may sound similar, they represent different aspects of testing and development. Understanding the nuances between these two concepts is essential for improving code quality and ensuring robust software.

In this article, we’ll delve into what test coverage and code coverage mean, their importance, how they differ, and how you can effectively use them to enhance your development process.

Understanding Test Coverage

Test coverage is a metric that helps us understand how much of our application has been tested. It focuses on the completeness of the testing effort and is usually expressed as a percentage. Test coverage metrics can include:

  1. Ensuring all user requirements have corresponding test cases, known as 'requirements coverage'.
  2. Verifying that all functions or methods are tested, known as 'functional coverage'.
  3. Confirming that every branch (e.g., if-else conditions) in the code has been tested, known as 'branch coverage'.

Why Test Coverage Matters

  1. Test coverage helps identify untested parts of your application, pointing out areas that may need more thorough testing.
  2. By ensuring all aspects of your application are tested, you can catch bugs early, leading to higher quality software.
  3. High test coverage can give developers and stakeholders confidence that the application has been thoroughly vetted. This is especially true when introducing new developers to the project who may not understand some intricacies.

Measuring Test Coverage

Tools like JUnit for Java, NUnit for .NET, and pytest for Python, PHPUnit and the newer Pest for PHP provide features for measuring test coverage. These tools generate reports that show which parts of the application were executed during tests, helping developers identify untested sections.

Here's a simple example using pytest in Python:


def add(a, b):
    return a + b

def test_add():
    assert add(1, 2) == 3
    assert add(-1, 1) == 0

# To run the test and measure coverage
# Use the following command:
# pytest --cov=.
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The pytest-cov plugin generates a report showing the percentage of code covered by the tests.

Understanding Code Coverage

Code coverage, on the other hand, measures the extent to which your code has been executed. It's about ensuring that your codebase has been thoroughly exercised by tests. Key metrics for code coverage include:

  1. The percentage of lines of code executed, known as 'line coverage'.
  2. The percentage of executable statements run, known as 'statement coverage'.
  3. The percentage of possible execution paths tested, known as 'path coverage'.
  4. The percentage of functions executed, known as 'function coverage'.

Why Code Coverage Matters

  1. Code coverage can help identify dead or redundant code that’s never executed, allowing you to clean up your codebase.
  2. Well-covered code is often easier to maintain because it’s more likely to have fewer hidden bugs.
  3. High code coverage ensures that changes or refactors don’t introduce new bugs since most paths and lines are tested.

Measuring Code Coverage

Popular tools for measuring code coverage include Istanbul for JavaScript, Jacoco for Java, and for Python and PHPUnit (with XDebug, PCOV and phpdbg support) for PHP. These tools integrate with CI/CD pipelines to ensure continuous monitoring of code coverage.

Here's an example using with a Python script:


def multiply(a, b):
    return a * b

def divide(a, b):
    if b == 0:
        raise ValueError("Cannot divide by zero")
    return a / b


import pytest
from example import multiply, divide

def test_multiply():
    assert multiply(2, 3) == 6

def test_divide():
    assert divide(10, 2) == 5
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        divide(10, 0)

# To run the coverage report
# Use the following command:
# coverage run -m pytest
# coverage report
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The coverage tool will produce a report showing how much of the code has been executed during the tests.

Key Differences Between Test Coverage and Code Coverage


  • Test Coverage: Focuses on the extent to which the testing suite covers the application's functionality, requirements, and conditions.
  • Code Coverage: Concentrates on the extent to which the actual lines of code have been executed.


  • Test Coverage: Measures how well the tests cover the requirements and functionality of the application.
  • Code Coverage: Measures how well the tests execute the code itself, identifying which lines or branches have been run.


  • Test Coverage: Ensures all user scenarios and requirements are tested.
  • Code Coverage: Ensures the written code is exercised and validated, uncovering dead or untested code.

Using Test Coverage and Code Coverage Together

While both metrics provide valuable insights, relying solely on one can be misleading. High test coverage doesn't guarantee that all the code has been executed, and high code coverage doesn’t mean all functional requirements are tested. Combining both gives a more comprehensive view of your testing effectiveness.

Showing Off Coverage

If you run an open source project (or even closed source, I suppose), it is common to show badges on the file of your project that show off the coverage of your project. Check out the very popular repo-badges GitHub repo for a bunch of examples.

Example Workflow

  1. Write Tests: Write comprehensive tests covering all functional requirements and edge cases.
  2. Measure Test Coverage: Use tools like pytest or JUnit to measure and report on test coverage.
  3. Measure Code Coverage: Use tools like or Istanbul to measure code execution.
  4. Combine Reports: Analyze combined reports to ensure all aspects are covered.
  5. Refactor and Improve: Refactor code and tests based on coverage insights to improve overall quality.

Further Reading

We go into more detail about test coverage vs code coverage on our own article base. Additionally you can take a look at the following articles for some more info.

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