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No, you're not bad at math

Arik on June 02, 2018

Sorry, but I'll have to disagree with you about this one. Wholeheartedly. If you have the idea that you're "bad at math" then you're simply wro...
javascripterika profile image
JavaScriptErika • Edited

Thank you so much for sharing! I've been recently diving back into math, and plan to take Khan Academy courses to do so (along with the electrical engineering path)!

I enjoyed math in school, but didn't have practical applications for trig for instance, so I just kind of lost it. I also felt like there were gaps along the way as you mentioned in your post.

Jumping into web animation, let alone canvas (p5js is an awesome JS library for canvas) I realize how much math and physics I want to understand and implement it in code to take animations to the next level!

acoh3n profile image
Arik • Edited

Really cool. And I totally agree. If someone would have shown me what math is good for way back when, I might have figured that it's worth learning or even pursuing. Math was too abstract for me to see the connection. But once I saw its application in computer science I realized what I had been missing on and decided to find a way to learn it.

alexgwartney profile image
Alex Gwartney

It was interesting reading this. As I was in the same boat. In my case I have been wanting to move into graphics engineering. Which is nothing but math. And for a while I had the excuse of I couldn't do math... But I got that out of my head bought a ton of for dummies books on math with work books ect. And hit the ground running. Between the books my brothers help and kahn academy its been really cool seeing my own progression in a subject. That I was once terrible at. In fact I have been able to start using my knowledge in math to work on some small programs while learning c++. I found it has really solidify'ed my knowledge in the specific subjects I have been studying.

acoh3n profile image

Good stuff. And yes, it's very satisfying to see math comes to life and becomes applicable.

alexgwartney profile image
Alex Gwartney

Yea I think the biggest thing is begin able to eventually see it become applicable. Although if there was one piece of advice I would give. Is when your learning the concepts dont try to find a meaning as to what and why. Because for me it just slowed me down. I would say just know at some point you will be using it for your specific end goal.

bgadrian profile image
Adrian B.G.

Yes, yes and yes. I know the topic and I agree, and actually I am bad ... mainly because I haven't practiced it.

Me, after 10+ yrs of programming, I had to go to Khan Academy Algebra 1,2, trigonometry and so on. It's all about practice and learning.

As I forgot about backtracking and hand writing I also forgot how polynomials and division work because ... computers and internet.

Also most of the school teachers suck, same as the educational systems, so ... is not entire my fault.

acoh3n profile image
Arik • Edited

So very true. All these high level languages, frameworks and syntactic sweets got us all a little out of shape. It's time to get back to basics.

mumbere7 profile image
Mumbere Arnold

Thank you for this great article! I just recently finished my cs degree and was thinking of restarting all the maths concepts i missed in class but i did not know how to start, but now i have an idea of where to begin from!

acoh3n profile image

Very glad to hear!

aymanone profile image

i need your advice first i try to learn math from 2 years
so i try 2 times on different courses on edx but after short period i forgot
so form month i start in khan academy and it is perfect for sure but i started from
pre algebra and start on algebra only the reason why i try to learn math is
first to study and understand cs second to learn math and physics
so what you see continue on algebra or take math by grades i don't have any problem
if it take for my even years my main goal is to understand

acoh3n profile image

If you're doing good with Algebra I say continue with that. If you run into trouble I would say go to earlier grades.

aymanone profile image

thank you

iselind profile image

I feel the math mission at khans academy really helps me

acoh3n profile image

Nice! Can you tell us more?

iselind profile image

Log into Khan's Academy and then go to

Enjoy =)

dangolant profile image
Daniel Golant

Props to you for starting at the bottom. I've tried to spot-fill my knowledge using Khan Academy and eventually I always flame out. I should give this a shot.

acoh3n profile image

Indeed sir. It's embarrassing at first. But you get over it really fast. And the more "advanced" math suddenly just becomes the next logical step. I also use from time to time when I want to lookup a specific concept and I don't have the patience to watch a whole video or I just want to get a "second opinion".

wintermute21 profile image
John Best

I feel like this is a bit disingenuous because some people are genuinely bad at math. What about Dyscalculia?

matthras profile image
Matthew Mack

Dyscalculia is, in my opinion, a bit of an edge case and I don't know enough about it to offer any solid advice. However I do know that people with dyslexia manage to get by fine once they're aware of it and know how to deal with it, so I suspect the same for those with dyscalculia.

My 'positive thinking' is that yes, some people will need to work harder/longer than others, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they're bad at maths.

Yes, there are people whose way of thinking means they 'get' maths much more easily than others, but it doesn't mean that those who think differently are necessarily bad at maths either.

As one who teaches maths for a living, it ultimately boils down to attitude and persistence. I can't help any student who is stuck in the 'I'm bad at maths' mindset, but I damn well will help anybody (to the best of my ability) who's willing to try.