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Adam Crockett πŸŒ€
Adam Crockett πŸŒ€

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3D Realism Hobby

So in my spare time I like to make 3D art, I have done this for years and now blender has become so strong that I can do this... for free!

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This is a still from my animated candle which uses noise to animate a flame, it looks pretty real, I also added noise to the lighting to give that candle flicker. once Its all done I will upload a video to share.

Also I am making a web version in GLTF - that is the pert of a hobby that extends development for me, but I enjoy it a lot.

Oh yeah I probably showed this one too:

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Happy holidays!

Top comments (2)

pandaquests profile image
Panda Quests

Great job. A tutorial would be nice

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett πŸŒ€

I could do, what sort of level? Beginner, Expert.

And would this be how to make realism, how to use blender or how to bring your work into a browser.