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Adam Crockett πŸŒ€
Adam Crockett πŸŒ€

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Day 2 of new job.

Why am I writing this? Blogging helps me arrange my thoughts, and I hope I never forget this, joining a company is more than just transfering learned skills.

Today I grabbed the bull by the horns, not content with just waiting for things to land in my lap I started asking questions, good start, then I used slack as a means of collecting information that would otherwise float off into space (because I am me and just like you, I am forgetful when under a lot of pressure). It's hard to know what you need to know until you know.

I then realized that yet again it was me putting myself under pressure and I'm trying to ease off now before I wear out my Sorry alowence, it came up again, I say sorry too much, (I don't see a problem but I guess people don't know me yet, sorry is how I start sentences, a bad habit I NEED to stop doing). Although trying to impress and get involved is contra to not doing as much. I am on probation, I am getting paid well and I don't want to let my family down.

Reading this back I can see I need to chill out now. Things will improve even more tomorrow.

Top comments (1)

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett πŸŒ€

People, this is what imposters syndrome looks like, if you ever feel any of this just ignore it. It's crazy talk. You are doing just fine, Better than fine, if you feel like this, write it down you will feel better.