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Cover image for Inksacpe: Using Trace Bitmap for Vector Art
Aditya Sharma
Aditya Sharma

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Inksacpe: Using Trace Bitmap for Vector Art

Hi, Everyone!
Aditya here,

Nowadays to make our websites much cooler we use vector art and Sometimes we all get to that problem to find a cool vector art and it's quite a difficult task. As we jumped on the internet to get inspiration.
In my case, the vector art I like is mostly not modifiable and the vector art which can be modified mostly has a limited level of customization it does the job not give the satisfaction I need.

So, here comes the solution which can help is TRACE BITMAP.
Here you can Find It in INKSCAPE

If you guys are not familiar with inksacpe check out my previous post Link here :👇

Now what is it? How it works?

So, one of the features in Inkscape is a tool for tracing a bitmap image into a element for your SVG drawing.

You can find more on this link:
So, to understand this feature first we need to learn about:

2 different types of graphics

  1. Raster – The image is made of those little, tiny color boxes we called “pixels”. We can see them when we zoom on to that image. Such as JPG, PNG, TIF. pur-amus
  2. Vector – The image is consistent with a series of coordinate points that control the look of the image on an X and Y-axis. takemyvector
    • Main Difference between Raster and Vector ras-vs-vec
Vector Raster
they can be zoomed infinitely without quality loss. they are best for retaining fine details.
they are best for illustrations they good for images
.svg .jpg, .png

Now how use Inkscape use to trace any vector art

  • Firstly we need to import our file,

Step – 1 Go to files tab > Import


  • Once image is imported then,

Step -2 Select Image then select Path Tab > Trace Bitmap


  • Then on the right hand size a new window open of trace bitmap,

Step -3 Chose Multiple scans > Colors > Set Scans to ‘8’ > Apply

"we will talk about details in next part"

With, these methods our vector file will be generated:🎊


You can goof around with your vector art change its color, size does as you like.👍


This vector art is as fully customizable as we like.💪

You now just need to save your vector art.
That’s it,

In the next part, I will discuss, how to convert our raster image into a vector image.

In, That part we will discuss trace bitmap and all other little details of Inkscape.

What you want to know more about Inkscape tell me in the comments.

Thank you,
Sorry for any mistakes.
I hope this post is helpful for you guys.
Take care

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