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Kubernetes Services and DNS for Dummies

In Kubernetes, Nodes, Pods and Services all have their own IP addresses.

If you want to run the examples from this guide yourself, then you should create the following Deployment:

kubectl create deployment --image=nginx nginx-app --replicas=2
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It's also expected that you have basic Kubernetes, ReplicaSets and Deployment knowledge.

Listing all our created pods with kubectl get pods, we get

NAME                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
nginx-app-d6ff45774-7m9zg   1/1     Running   0          10d
nginx-app-d6ff45774-xp2tt   1/1     Running   0          9d

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Let's find the IP of one of our Pods with

kubectl describe pod/nginx-app-d6ff45774-7m9zg
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which returns

Name:         nginx-app-d6ff45774-7m9zg
Namespace:    default
Node:         minikube/
Start Time:   Sun, 21 Nov 2021 12:09:04 +0100
Labels:       app=nginx-app
Status:       Running
Controlled By:  ReplicaSet/nginx-app-d6ff45774
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Here, we can read that one of the two NGINX Pods has the IP address, and this address is only available from the inside of the cluster.

The Pod IP address is dynamic, which means it will change every time it restarts or a new one is created as a replacement. For example, when a Pod crashes or is deleted and another one comes up with the help of a ReplicaSet, the new Pod has a different IP address from the terminated one. This makes the Pod IP address unstable which can result in application errors. The same goes for Nodes, if a Node dies pods die with it, and the Deployment will create new ones.


Services in Kubernetes is an abstraction that is used to group Pods into a single consistent endpoint. As Pods can be recreated, they can be attached to Services for stable IP addresses. When a network request is made to a Service, it selects all pods in the cluster matching the Service's selector, chooses one of them, and forwards the network request to it. This consistent endpoint is tied to the lifespan of the Service, and will not change while the Service is alive.

Running the

kubectl get services
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kubernetes   ClusterIP    <none>        443/TCP   10d
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This is a default Service created during the initialization of our cluster. Every Kubernetes cluster comes with a special Service, that provides a way for internal applications to talk to the API server. (Remember, running the kubectl commands is talking to the API server).

Kubernetes Service Types

There are different Service types used in Kubernetes. These Services differ by how they expose Pods internally or externally and the way they handle the traffic. The different Service types are described below.


ClusterIP exposes the Service on an internal IP in the cluster. This type makes the Service only reachable from within the cluster. ClusterIP is the default Service if not specified otherwise.

Let's create a ClusterIP Service exposing our Pods inside the cluster with a consistent IP address

kubectl expose deploy/nginx-app --port=80
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  • expose - Creates a Service that exposes a Kubernetes resource (e.g. Pod, Deployment, ReplicasSet,...)
  • deploy/nginx-app - Our nginx-app deployment from before
  • --port 80 - The port that the service should serve on

One noteworthy additional flag is the --target-port flag. Compared to --port, --target-port is the port on the container that the service should direct traffic to. If no --target-port is specified, then it will default to the same value as --port.
E.g. kubectl expose deployment my-app --port 80 --target-port 8080 would result in service port 80 targeting container port 8080.

Running kubectl get services returns now

kubernetes   ClusterIP       <none>        443/TCP    105
nginx-app    ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP     8s
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Our two Pods are now accessible within the cluster using the IP address.

We can test that by running an additional Pod in our cluster, whose only purpose is to run a curl command on that IP:PORT address. By theory, curl should return the NGINX welcome homepage HTML structure. We know that the NGINX container by default exposes a welcome website on to port 80.

cURL, which stands for client URL, is a command-line tool that developers use to transfer data to and from a server. At the most fundamental, cURL lets you talk to a server by specifying the location (in the form of a URL) and the data you want to send.
E.g. running curl would return the HTML structure of You could also get more information, such as headers,...

To run an additional Pod in our cluster without a deployment, you can run a one time Pod with a shell:

kubectl run -it network-shell --image=praqma/network-multitool --restart=Never sh; kubectl delete pod network-shell
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  • kubectl run - Create and run a particular image in a Pod without a Deployment.
  • -it - Run the Container in the Pod in interactive mode that allows you to interact with the shell of the container.
  • network-shell - Our temporary Pod name
  • --image praqma/network-multitool a minimalistic docker image (18 MB in size) with some network tool commands, including curl
  • sh - The command we want to run in interactive mode, here to access the shell in the network-shell container
  • --restart=Never - A Pod without a deployment is created (default value = "Always" which creates a Deployment).

The --rm flag, which you may find online, does not seem to work on every system.
Therefore, by combining the run and delete command with ; (e.gkubectl run... ; kubectl), we create a one-time Pod with accessing its shell, and automatically remove it afterwards.

All flags after sh will be passed as flags to sh. Order matters.

From within that one time Pod, you may now run

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which returns the Nginx welcome page HTML structure

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>
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NodePort allows external accessibility to a Pod on a Node. It receives an external request from clients or users and maps to the ports. The NodePort range can be set manually, which must be in the range of 30000 – 32767, or is auto-assigned if not specified.

Let's expose our Pod to the outside world:

kubectl expose deploy/nginx-app --port=80 --name=nginx-app-np --type=NodePort
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Under the hood, when creating a NodePort, a ClusterIP is also created which establishes the connection to the Pods in the cluster. The ClusterIP is not shown as a separate Service, but NodePort connects to its ClusterIP which then connects to the pod IP.

Running kubectl get service:

NAME           TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
kubernetes     ClusterIP        <none>        443/TCP          106d
nginx-app      ClusterIP    <none>        80/TCP           8s
nginx-app-np   NodePort   <none>        80:32358/TCP     2s
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which returns us six columns NAME, TYPE, CLUSTER-IP, EXTERNAL-IP, PORT(S) and AGE.

We see now that we have our new NodePort Service nginx-app-np with the type of NodePort. But if you look closely at nginx-app-np's CLUSTER_IP column, you see that it has an IP address, instead of being empty. This is the hidden ClusterIP service IP address, that was created with our NodePort service.

The PORT(S) value for our nginx-app-np NodePort service is 80:32358, where 80 is the hidden ClusterIP's port number, and 32358 is the NodePort's external port number. The --port flags sole purpose in the NodePort's creation was to specify the hidden ClusterIP's port (and also the target port on the container if not specified with --target-port).

Now, when somebody connects from the outside of the cluster on port 32358, the traffic gets forwarded to the hidden ClusterIP on and finally to the Pod, which exposes its application on port 80 as well.

You should be able to run the same curl command from your host computer:

  • minikube users - If you use minikube, then remember that you're running Kubernetes from a VM. This VM has an IP address on your machine, which you can retrieve with the minikube ip command.
  • microk8s users - If you use microk8s (on Linux), then you should be able to use localhost since Kubernetes is natively installed without a VM. If on Mac or Windows, you need to retrieve the VM's IP address..

Running minikube ip returns on my machine the IP address, which finally is my cluster IP address.

Therefore, executing curl (or curl localhost:32358 for microk8s users) returns once again the NGINX welcome HTML structure <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Welcome to nginx!</title>....

The same goes for the hidden ClusterIP, created with the NodePort. Using the one time Pod again

kubectl run -it network-shell --image=praqma/network-multitool --restart=Never sh; kubectl delete pod network-shell
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Use the ClusterIP IP address from our NodePort nginx-app-np row,, and run the curl command on port 80, i.e. curl

NodePorts aren’t often ideal for public Services. They use non-standard ports, which are unsuitable for most HTTP traffic. You can use a NodePort to quickly set up a service for development use or to expose a TCP or UDP service on its own port. When serving a production environment to users, you’ll want to use LoadBalancer or Ingress.


The LoadBalancer Service automatically integrates with load balancers provided by cloud services. These load balancers spread out workloads evenly across Kubernetes clusters, and then the Kubernetes cluster spreads out workloads evenly across the Nodes -> Pods -> Container instance.

The advantage of using Load balancers here is that if a Cluster fails, the workload is directed to a backup server, which reduces the effect on users.

Under the hood, when creating a LoadBalancer, a NodePort and ClusterIP are also created exposing creating the internal and external connections.

For local development, Docker Desktop provides a built-in LoadBalancer.
If you're on minikube or microk8s, LoadBalancers won't work and the service will just say "pending", but NodePort and ClusterIP work.

A LoadBalancer service can be created by using the --type=LoadBalancer flag.

It is also important to note that a "Load Balancer" is not something Kubernetes provides out of the box. If you are using a cloud provider (like AWS, GKE, Digital Ocean, etc.) your Kubernetes installation is managed, and a Load Balancer is provided as part of your deal. But Load Balancers are not present in a bare metal Cluster that you provision on your own. There are workarounds provided by testing tools, like minikube. But other than that, you will need to manage external IPs' manually or deploy a 3rd party solution, like MetalLB.

Domain Name System (DNS) in Kubernetes

DNS translates an IP address that might be changing, with an easily rememberable name such as “”. Every network has a DNS server, but Kubernetes implements their own DNS within the cluster to make connecting to containers a simple task.

Before Kubernetes version 1.11, the Kubernetes DNS service was based on kube-dns. Version 1.11 introduced CoreDNS to address some security and stability concerns with kube-dns.

Each time you deploy a new service or pod, the Kubernetes DNS sees the calls made to the Kube API and adds DNS entries for the new service or pod. Then other containers within a Kubernetes cluster can use these DNS entries to access the service or pod.

It may also happen that only services, and no pod, receives a DNS entry.


Services get a DNS entry of the service name appended to the namespace and then appended to svc.cluster.local.

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When we created the nginx-app service, a nginx-app.default.svc.cluster.local entry has been added to the Kubernetes DNS, where initial is the default Kubernetes namespace. (More about namespace later). cluster.local is the default cluster domain.


Similarly pods get entries of pod IP address appended to the namespace and then appended to .pod.cluster.local. The pod IP addresses dots must be replaced with dashes 172-12-0-3.

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When we created our nginx-app deployement, one of the created pods, the nginx-app-d6ff45774-7m9zg, got assigned the IP address. The entry 172-17-0-3.default.pod.cluster.local was then added to the Kubernetes DNS.

How to check if Pod DNS is enabled in your Cluster?

CoreDNS has by default disabled Pod DNS in a Kubernetes Cluster, but many local Kubernetes tools (e.g. minikube) or Cloud Kubernetes services (e.g. AWS EKS) have it enabled to make it still compatible with kube-dns.
CoreDNS uses the server block syntax (same as NGINX config) for its configuration. The pod property in the configuration (also known as POD-MODE) determines if pod DNS is enabled or not.
The three valid pod values are:

  • disabled - Default. Do not process Pod requests, always returning NXDOMAIN (domain name can't be resolved by a DNS)
  • insecure - Default for minikube, AWS,... . Always return an A record with IP from request, even if the Pod IP address doesn't exist. This option is provided for backward compatibility with kube-dns. verified - Return an A record if there exists a Pod in the same namespace with matching IP. This option requires substantially more memory than in insecure mode since it will maintain a watch on all Pods.

The insecure setting is vulnerable to abuse if used maliciously in conjunction with wildcard SSL certs. Meaning, if you handle traffic with pod DNS entries, instead of Services, then you're vulnerable to DNS spoofing. But this should not be the case since we learned that you should handle traffic with Services as they have non-ephemeral IP addresses.
DNS Spoofing (DNS spoofing example in the bottom of this page) in this context means that one malicious Pod intercepts incoming traffic and returns malicious code or applications, instead of the original one. (Source)
As long as you know that every developer in a cluster handles traffic with Services and not Pods, you should not be too worried about pod insecure as it's a backward compatibility for kube-dns and pretty much industry standard (e.g. AWS EKS uses insecure ).

Let's inspect our Kubernetes CoreDNS configurations

kubectl get -n kube-system configmaps/coredns -o yaml
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which should return the along the lines

  kubernetes cluster.local {
     pods insecure
     ttl 30
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We can see that we have Pod DNS enabled.

Resolving DNS entries

The diagram below shows a pair of Services and a pair of Pods that are deployed across two different Namespaces. Below are the DNS entries that you can expect to be available for these objects, assuming Pod DNS is enabled for your cluster.

Image description

Any pods looking for a Service within the same namespace can just use the common name of the “Service” (e.g. ninja service) instead of the fully qualified domain name (FQDN - is the most complete domain name that identifies a host or server)(e.g. hollowapp.namespace1.svc.cluster.local). Kubernetes will add the proper DNS suffix to the request if one is not given (explained in Kubernetes & Unix networking below).

To test this with our nginx-app setup, run again the command to create the one time Pod:

kubectl run -it network-shell --image=praqma/network-multitool --restart=Never sh; kubectl delete pod network-shell
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We know that we currently have three Services, the ClusterIP service nginx-app, the NodePort service nginx-app-np and LoadBalancer service nginx-app-lb (optional).

In our one time Pod, run

nslookup nginx-app
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where nginx-app is the name of our Service and nslookup is a command for obtaining from DNS servers the IP address of a domain name and vice-versa.

The results show the ClusterIP address of the Service. Also, pay close attention to the FQDN, which follows the service DNS syntax that we've previously seen.

$ nslookup nginx-app

Name:   nginx-app.default.svc.cluster.local
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Kubernetes & Unix networking

The following section explains some basics of unix networking which helps to further understand Kubernetes DNS and Services.
We will look at nslookup and how it can resolve nginx-app without the need for the fully qualified domain name.

The resolv.conf file

DNS resolution inside a container - like any Linux system - is driven by the /etc/resolv.conf config file.

You can check your local (Linux only) host machines resolv.conf file with

cat /etc/resolv.conf
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options edns0 trust-ad
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  • nameserver directs to an IP address of a DNS, which in return translates domain names into IP addresses. The IP is a local DNS cache resolver, aka a temporary database that stores information about previous DNS lookups. Whenever you visit a website, your OS and web browser will keep a record for the domain and the corresponding IP address increasing performance instead of using a remote DNS.
  • options edns0 trust-ad insignificant option

But the resolv.conf file has one more important part, the search directive.
Let's have a look at a more complete resolv.conf file:

options ndots:2
nameserver 10.436.22.8
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  • search contains a list of domain names, which each one will be appended for every domain name query. (E.g. querying for banana, the search directive would search for,,..)
  • options ndots:2 The number of maximum allowed dots in a domain name query for using the search directive, before querying a remote DNS server (e.g. has two dots). If the number of dots surpasses the ndots value, then the remote DNS server is first asked to resolve the domain name before (only if failed) to use the search directive and perform a local DNS resolution.
  • nameserver 10.436.22.8 when using the search directive, forward the query to the DNS at the 10.436.22.8 IP address about A-records, CNAME,.. .

If a domain name can't be resolved by a DNS (aka, no A-record, CNAME,... exists) then it will return an NXDOMAIN (non-existing domain) error response.

A-Record vs CNAME record

DNS's use records to point a domain name to an IP address.
A-Record maps a name to one or more IP addresses. CNAME maps a domain name to another domain name.
It's usual that an A-record is created for a root domain, e.g. -> and a CNAME record for subdomains such as -> It's then up to the server to handle requests for the two domains and

Example: Querying for hakuna
Using the previous resolv.conf file, imagine we know that a CNAME exists for and we want to find the IP of the server.

hakuna has less than ndots:2 dots in the domain name. so it first performs a local search.


nslookup hakuna
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executes a local search in following order:

  1. -> fails with NXDOMAIN
  2. -> success and stops here, DNS returns the ClusterIP address of the Service

Example: Querying for has more than ndots:2 dots in the domain name, so it's considered as an absolute name ( = FQDN) and first resolved with a remote DNS, before resolving it locally with the search directive.

Resolving nginx-app

Let's inspect the /etc/resolv.conf of a with the one time Pod.

kubectl run -it network-shell --image=praqma/network-multitool --restart=Never sh; kubectl delete pod network-shell
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Inside the Pod, run

cat /etc/resolv.conf
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which should return

search default.svc.cluster.local svc.cluster.local cluster.local
options ndots:5
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Here is our nameserver IP address, which in theory should be CoreDNS. We can investigate that nameserver IP address by running

kubectl get service -n kube-system
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  • -n is a shorthand for --namespace and allows you to specify the namespace in where to look for services
  • kube-system is the namespace for services, pods,... created by the Kubernetes system.

That command should return

NAME       TYPE        CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                  AGE
kube-dns   ClusterIP   <none>        53/UDP,53/TCP,9153/TCP   114d
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We have an IP address match! But hold up a second. Why is the Service name kube-dns and not coredns?
The system nameserver Service name was kept as kube-dns, even as it now uses CoreDNS under the hood for backwards compatibility from CoreDNS to kube-dns.

We can verify this by running

kubectl get pods -l k8s-app=kube-dns
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which returns:

NAME                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
coredns-558bd4d5db-rvvst           1/1     Running   2          114d
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The -l flag stands for labels and is later on covered. But basically, the commands return the Pods which are served by the kube-dns Service.

Now that we understand our IP address, we run the search directive since nginx-app has fewer dots than the specification of options ndots:5.

  1. nginx-app.default.svc.cluster.local -> success and stops here, DNS returns the ClusterIP address of the service
  2. nginx-app.svc.cluster.local
  3. nginx-app.cluster.local

Additional Sources:

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Kiran T O

Thank you. Great article.

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