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Afeez Adeyemo
Afeez Adeyemo

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How to create a resume and push to GitHubs pages

This is a step-by-step guide on how to create a resume and push to GitHubs pages


  1. Download Git Bash.
  2. Configure Git Bash.
  3. Work with the configured environment.
  4. Clone your Github repo.
  5. Push to Github
  6. Show the content

Step 1: Download Git Bash
Instructions on downloading and installing Git Bash.

  • Download Gitbash

    click the link above
  • Choose the appropriate windows of the computers being used.

Download GitBash

  • Finish the download by selecting all the defaults.

  • Open the App

open git bash

Step 2: Configure Git Bash.

  1. To Configure username, enter the command git config --global “name” then press the enter key

git config –global “name”

  1. To configure user email, enter the command git config --global “email” then press enter key.

git config –global “email”

  1. To check the configuration just completed, enter the command git config --list. This will display the just configured username and user email.

git config --list

Step 3: Working with the configured environment.

  1. To Create directory (A directory is a place where all similar items are kept together), enter the command mkdir website, press enter. This will create a directory named website.

mkdir website

  1. To enter directory into the directory, enter the command cd website, press enter.

cd website

  1. To initialize the directory, turns the directory into a Git repository. Enter the command git init website.

git init.

  1. To create a text file in the directory called index.html, enter the command touch index.html

touch index.html

  1. Opening the index.html file. Enter the command vim index.html

vim index.html

  • Press i to enable writing into the file

write into the file

  • create a sample index.html resume with ChatGPT. Go to chatGPT and create an index.html resume

sample resume on ChatGPT

  • paste the resume into the index.html file. You can edit as appropriate to enter your details.

paste index.html resume

  • exit the index.html file after editing.

exit the index file

Step 4: Clone your Github repo.

  1. Go to Github. and create a repository

create a repository in github

  • Give a unique name
  • Choose public
  • Add a readme
  • Create repository

create a repository

  • Clone using the web URL by copying the code. Click in code, under the HTTPS tab, click copy

clone using the web URL

  • Enter the command git remote add origin (paste the url). This will add the text resume.


Step 5: Push to Github

  1. git add index.html
    • To check the git status. This will confirm nothing has been added to the file, but there are untracked files present. Enter git status
    • Enter git add index.html. This will add the file to the staging area.
  2. Enter git status again. This will confirm successful addition.

git add index.html

  1. Enter git commit -m “Create index.html”. This will take a snap short of the file and add a message (create index.html) to it. - creates will the m adds a message

add a message

  1. Enter git push origin master. This will push the file to GitHub.

git push origin master

  1. Compare and pull request.

compare and pull

  • Noticed the request is pulled but nothing to compare because this is your file and it's the initial pull.

request pulled

Step 6: Show the content

  • click on settings
    • Go to pages tab
    • from the source drop down, select deploy from a master
    • from the Branch, select master
    • click in save


  • refresh

Image description

  • notice site is now live

site is life

  • click on visit site

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