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Kickstart your development with Bun

When it comes down to web development there multiple tools and layers of decisions you need to make. Will you choose React or Svelte? Or just use HTML and HTMX? Which database should you choose? MongoDB, MySQL or Redis?

Decisions like those are never easy to answer and always depend on your personal usecase. They affect your performance, scalabilty and especially your developer experience. Over the years, there were various tools to solve the same problems. Today many of them have one thing in common: They require configuration and boilerplate files.

This is were Bun jumps in. Previously you have used node.js to develop, debug and run your applications. But you had always the need for dependencies.
Bun takes quite a different approach: They consider themselves an All-In-One development tool. Bun replaces node.js as runtime, replaces npm as package manager and is able to bundle your code like webpack.
Thats cool enough, but Bun is way faster than every other tool in the list.

Benchmark of Bun in comparison to npm and yarn

  • Bun is written in Zig and is build on top of the WebKit-Engine of Safari making it faster than node.js,which is based on Chrome's V8-Engine
  • Bun is a complete toolkit for building JavaScript apps, including a package manager, test runner, and bundler.
  • Bun is designed as a drop-in replacement for Node.js. It natively implements hundreds of Node.js and Web APIs, including fs, path, Buffer and more.

Install bun by just running

  • powershell -c "irm|iex"on Windows
  • curl -fsSL | bashon Linux or MacOS

and always remember:

Bun is fun!

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