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Phrase CLI Config YAML

This is a quick breakdown into the .phrase.yml file used for configuring the Phrase CLI and the various options available for pushing and pulling translations.
I found it strangely challenging to locate the .phrase.yml configuration file template on Phrase's Help Website, and their documentation is not always straightforward.

You can find the .phrase.yml configuration file template on GitHub or in this article's Phrase CLI Config YAML Template section.

Table of Contents

Configuration Options Breakdown

Phrase CLI - Header Options

Option Value (Type) Notes Example
access_token ACCESS_TOKEN (string) Add personal access token to authenticate. abc123
project_id PROJECT_ID (string) The Project ID (Copy from Project Settings > API tab). 123456
file_format FORMAT_API_EXTENSION (string) Specify a supported file type for the entire configuration file. csv

Tip: If the file_format is specified in the header, it is no longer required in the push and pull commands.

Additional notes:

Phrase CLI Push - Parameters

The push command uploads files to Phrase via the upload API endpoint. The parameters you can use when uploading files to Phrase are as follows:

Parameter Value (Type) Notes Example
file_format FORMAT_API_EXTENSION (string) Specify the upload file type. csv
locale_id LOCALE_ID (string) Locale name or public ID (via Language settings -> API). en-US
tags TAG_1, TAG_2 (string) Tags to be used for the new keys in the upload. tag1, tag2
update_translations false (boolean) If true, existing translations will be updated with the upload's content. true
update_descriptions false (boolean) If true, the upload's key descriptions (including empty descriptions) will overwrite existing ones. true
skip_upload_tags false (boolean) If true, upload will not create upload tags. true
skip_unverification false (boolean) If true, updated translations will be unverified. true
file_encoding ENCODING (string) Enforces a specific file encoding. Options: UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE, ISO-8859-1 UTF-8
locale_mapping {"LANGUAGE_CODE": "COLUMN"} (object) Optional, format-specific (Excel, CSV) mapping between locale names and column locations. {"en": "2"}
autotranslate false (boolean) If true, the pre-translation feature will be used to generate translations. true
mark_reviewed false (boolean) If true, the imported translations will be marked as reviewed. true

Additional notes:

  • file_format is required if the file type is not specified in the source or target entries.
  • mark_reviewed is only available if the review workflow is enabled for the project.

Phrase CLI Push - Format Options

Here are the format options you can use when uploading files to Phrase:

Format Option Value (Type) Only for Notes Example
ignore_source_translations false (boolean) XLIFF/XLIFF 2.0 If true, source translations in the file will be ignored during the upload. true
ignore_target_translations false (boolean) XLIFF/XLIFF 2.0 If true, target translations in the file will be ignored during the upload. true
msgid_as_default false (boolean) Gettext POT If true, the key name (msgid) will be used as a translation. true
strip_placeholder_delimiters false (boolean) XLIFF If true, <ph> tags will be removed from translations. true
override_file_language false (boolean) XLIFF/XLIFF 2.0 If true, the specified language will override the language in the file. true
key_index empty Excel/CSV Index of the column containing key names (1-based index). 1
comment_index empty Excel/CSV Index of the column containing key descriptions (1-based index). 3
tag_column empty Excel/CSV Index of the column containing tags (1-based index). 4
column_separator , (string) CSV Character used to separate columns. ,
quote_char " (string) CSV Character used to quote newlines and column separators. "
header_content_row false (boolean) CSV If true, the first row is the header, so it will be skipped. true
first_content_row 1 (integer) Excel Index of the first row containing translation content (1-based index). 2
enable_pluralization true (boolean) Simple/Nested JSON If true, pluralized keys will be detected and persisted. true
unescape_linebreaks false (boolean) Android XML If true, all \n will be imported as newlines. true
escape_single_quotes false (boolean) Java Properties If true, single quotes will be escaped with another single quote. true

Phrase CLI Pull - Parameters

The pull command downloads files from Phrase via the locales download API endpoint. The parameters you can use when downloading files from Phrase are as follows:

Parameter Value (Type) Notes Example
file_format FORMAT_API_EXTENSION (string) Specify the download file type. csv
locale_id LOCALE_ID (string) Locale name or public ID (via Language settings -> API). en-US
tags TAG_1, TAG_2 (string) Tags to limit results to keys tagged with a list of comma-separated tag names. tag1, tag2
include_empty_translations false (boolean) If true, keys without translations will be included in the download. true
exclude_empty_zero_forms false (boolean) If true, zero forms will be included when empty in pluralized keys. true
include_translated_keys true (boolean) If true, translated keys will be included in the locale file. true
keep_notranslate_tags false (boolean) If true, [NOTRANSLATE] tags will be retained. true
encoding ENCODING (string) Enforces a specific file encoding. Options: UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE, ISO-8859-1 UTF-8
include_unverified_translations true (boolean) If true, unverified translations will be included. true
use_last_reviewed_version false (boolean) If true, the last reviewed version of a translation will be used. true
fallback_locale_id LOCALE_ID (string) Locale name or public ID (via Language settings -> API). en-US

Tip: To download only untranslated keys, set include_empty_translations to true and include_translated_keys to false.

Additional notes:

  • file_format is required if the file type is not specified in the source or target entries.
  • use_last_reviewed_version is only available if the review workflow is enabled for the project.

Phrase CLI Pull - Format Options

Here are the format options you can use when downloading files from Phrase:

Format Option Value (Type) Only for Notes Example
document_id DOCUMENT_ID (string) HTML Specifies the document ID of existing HTML documents for export. 12345
enclose_in_cdata false (boolean) XLIFF/Symfony XLIFF/Android XML If true, translations with HTML tags will be enclosed in CDATA. true
include_translation_state false (boolean) XLIFF/Symfony XLIFF If true, the state of translations will be included in the target locale. true
indent_size 4 (integer) XLIFF/Android XML Specifies the number of indentation characters. 4
indent_style space (string) XLIFF/Android XML Specifies the indentation character (allowed values: space, tab). space
export_key_id_as_resname true/false (boolean) XLIFF If true, the Key ID will be exported as the "resname" attribute. true
export_key_name_hash_as_extradata true/false (boolean) XLIFF If true, the Key Name hash will be exported as the "extradata" attribute. true
delimit_placeholders false (boolean) XLIFF If true, <ph> tags will be removed from translations. true
convert_placeholder false (boolean) iOS/Android XML If true, placeholders will be converted to match format-specific requirements. true
include_pluralized_keys false (boolean) iOS If true, pluralized keys will be included in the locale file. true
export_tags false (boolean) Excel/CSV If true, tags will be exported along with keys and translations. true
export_max_characters_allowed false (boolean) Excel/CSV If true, the key character limit will be exported with keys and translations. true
escape_linebreaks false (boolean) Android XML If true, all line breaks will be escaped as '\n'. true
escape_single_quotes false (boolean) Java/Play Framework Properties If true, single quotes will be escaped with another single quote. true
omit_separator_space false (boolean) Java Properties If true, the space before and after the separator sign (=) will be skipped. true
crlf_line_terminators false (boolean) Java Properties If true, CRLF (Windows) line terminator characters will be used. true

Phrase CLI Config YAML Template

  access_token: ACCESS_TOKEN #Add your personal access token to authenticate, you can find the steps on how to create one here:
  project_id: PROJECT_ID #The public Project ID which can be found in the Project Settings (API tab)
  file_format: FORMAT_API_EXTENSION #Find the format you want to use here: , access the article and copi the API extension

    - file: ./path/to/file/file.format #Provide the path to the file(s) you want to push here, starting from the location of the configuration file. You can use the placeholders <locale_name>, <locale_code> and <tags> in the path or file-name
        file_format: FORMAT_API_EXTENSION (string) #See above. Only required if you deviate from the default format set in the header
        locale_id: LOCALE_ID (string) #Can be the name (e.g. en-US) or public id (via Language settings -> API) of the locale. Preferred is the public id.
        tags: TAG_1, TAG_2 (string) #List of tags separated by comma to be associated with the new keys contained in the upload.
        update_translations: false (boolean) #Indicates whether existing translations should be updated with the file content.
        update_descriptions: false (boolean) #Existing key descriptions will be updated with the file content. Empty descriptions overwrite existing descriptions.
        skip_upload_tags: false (boolean) #Indicates whether the upload should not create upload tags.
        skip_unverification: false (boolean) #Indicates whether the upload should unverify updated translations.
        file_encoding: ENCODING (string) #Enforces a specific encoding on the file contents. Valid options are "UTF-8", "UTF-16", "UTF-16BE", "UTF-16LE" and "ISO-8859-1".
        locale_mapping: {"LANGUAGE_CODE": "COLUMN"} (object) #Optional, format specific (Excel, CSV) mapping between locale names and the columns the translations to those locales are contained in.
        autotranslate: false (boolean) #If set, translations for the uploaded language will be fetched automatically.  
        mark_reviewed: false (boolean) #Indicated whether the imported translations should be marked as reviewed. This setting is available if the review workflow (currently beta) is enabled for the project.
          ignore_source_translations: false (boolean) #XLIFF/XLIFF 2.0 only. Ignores the source translations in the file during the upload (to avoid accidental source language updates)
          ignore_target_translations: false (boolean) #XLIFF/XLIFF 2.0 only. Ignores the target translations in the file during the upload (to avoid accidental target language updates)
          msgid_as_default: false (boolean) #Gettext template POT files. Use the key name (msgid) as translation (key names equal source translation in that format)
          strip_placeholder_delimiters: false (boolean) #XLIFF only. Removes <ph> tags from translations
          override_file_language: false (boolean) #XLIFF/XLIFF 2.0 only. This file format typically contains language information in the file itself. Use this option to override the language with one you specify.
          key_index: [empty](integer) #Excel/CSV only. Index of the column containing the key names. Column indexes start at 1.
          comment_index: [empty](integer) #Excel/CSV only. Index of the column containing description for the key. Column indexes start at 1.
          tag_column: [empty](integer) #Excel/CSV only. Index of the column containing a tag for the key. Column indexes start at 1 .
          column_separator: , (string) #CSV only. Char that is used to separate columns.
          quote_char: '"' (string) #CSV only. Char that is used to quote newlines and column separator.
          header_content_row: false (boolean) #CSV only. Indicates whether the first row contains only header information and should be skipped.
          first_content_row: 1 (integer) #Excel only. Index of first row to contain translation content.
          enable_pluralization: true (boolean) #Simple/Nested JSON only. Enables detection of pluralized keys. All matching keys will be persisted as pluralized keys.
          unescape_linebreaks: false (boolean) #Android XML only. All \n will be imported as true newlines
          escape_single_quotes: false (boolean) #Java Properties only. Escape single quotes with another single quote (e.g. I'm -> I''m ).

    - file: ./path/to/file/file.format
        file_format: FORMAT_API_EXTENSION (string) #See above. Only required if you deviate from the default format set in the header
        locale_id: LOCALE_ID (string) #Can be the name (e.g. en-US) or public id (via Language settings -> API) of the locale. Preferred is the public id.
        tags: TAG_1, TAG_2 (string) #Limit results to keys tagged with a list of comma separated tag names.
        include_empty_translations: false (boolean) #Indicates whether keys without translations should be included in the output as well.
        exclude_empty_zero_forms: false (boolean) #Indicates whether zero forms should be included when empty in pluralized keys.
        include_translated_keys: true (boolean) #Include translated keys in the locale file. Use in combination with include_empty_translations to obtain only untranslated keys.
        keep_notranslate_tags: false (boolean) #Indicates whether [NOTRANSLATE] tags should be kept.
        encoding: ENCODING (string) #Enforces a specific encoding on the file contents. Valid options are "UTF-8", "UTF-16", "UTF-16BE", "UTF-16LE" and "ISO-8859-1".
        include_unverified_translations: true (boolean) #If set to false unverified translations are excluded
        use_last_reviewed_version: false (boolean) #If set to true the last reviewed version of a translation is used. This is only available if the review workflow is enabled for the project.
        fallback_locale_id: LOCALE_ID (string) #Can be the name (e.g. en-US) or public id (via Language settings -> API) of the locale. Preferred is the public id.
          document_id: DOCUMENT_ID (string) #Takes the document ID of the existing HTML documents in your project the export should be based on.
          enclose_in_cdata: false (boolean) #XLIFF/Symfony XLIFF/Android XML only. Encloses translations containing html tags in CDATA
          include_translation_state: false (boolean) #XLIFF/Symfony XLIFF only. Include state of translations in the target locale
          indent_size: 4 (integer) #XLIFF/Android XML only. Specifies number of indentation characters
          indent_style: space (string) #XLIFF/Android XML only.Specifies indentation character. Allowed values are space and tab
          export_key_id_as_resname: true/false (boolean) #XLIFF only. Exports the Key ID as the "resname" attribute.
          export_key_name_hash_as_extradata: true/false (boolean) #XLIFF only. Exports the Key Name hash as the "extradata" attribute.
          delimit_placeholders: false (boolean) #XLIFF only. Removes <ph> tags from translations
          convert_placeholder: false (boolean) #iOS/Android XML only. Placeholder will be converted to match format specific requirements. Example: '$s' => '$@'
          include_pluralized_keys: false (boolean) #iOS only. Also include pluralized keys in the locale file.
          export_tags: false (boolean) #Excel/CSV only. Exports tags along with keys and translations.
          export_max_characters_allowed: false (boolean) #Excel/CSV only.Exports the key character limit along with keys and translations.
          escape_linebreaks: false (boolean) #Android XML only. All line breaks will be escaped as '\n'
          escape_single_quotes: false (boolean) #Java/Play Framework Properties only. Escape single quotes with another single quote (e.g. I'm -> I''m ).
          omit_separator_space: false (boolean) #Java Properties only. Skip the space before and after the separator sign (= ).
          crlf_line_terminators: false (boolean) #Java Properties only. Use CRLF (Windows) line terminator chars.
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