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Serverless API Load Tester

Hello everyone ✌🏻,
Recently I needed a load tester tool that simply sends requests to my Rest API. I created a simple project. Here is what I have come up with!
You can reach the repo from here.

Before You Begin

Make sure you have:

  • AWS Account
  • Node.js installed
  • Serverless Framework installed
  • AWS SQS queue created with default settings

Don't worry if you're new to configuring the Serverless Framework or setting up AWS credentials. You can follow this documentation. Also, you can follow up on how to setup AWS credentials from this documentation

Configuring the SQS Queue

  1. This project sends requests using AWS SQS. You can create a simple FIFO queue with default settings.
  2. Once your queue is created, you'll need to update the queue ARN and URL in the config.development.json file under the config folder. Alternatively, you can set these variables in the file for local development.

  3. Replace YOUR_SQS_QUEUE_ARN_HERE and YOUR_SQS_QUEUE_URL_HERE, with your actual queue information.

Deploying the Project

  1. Deploy the project to AWS using the Serverless Framework with this command:
serverless deploy --stage development
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  1. If you want to create a new stage, you have to create the stage's config file under the config folder with the stage's name. For example, for a stage called production, create a file named config.production.json.

Running the Project

  1. After the deployment process, you'll get an endpoint like This URL serves as your base endpoint.

  2. To add a request to the queue you can use the {{url}}/load-tests endpoint. Below, you'll find an example of sample data you can use:

    "iteration" : 100,
    "request_data" : {
        "method" : "post",
        "url" :"YOUR_LOAD_TEST_ENDPOINT",
        "data" : {
            "key" :"value"
        "headers" : {
            "Content-Type": "application/json"
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I used for testing. It is a great tool.
Also you can find the Postman collection at the repo

The iteration parameter denotes the number of requests, and the request_data configures Axios.

That is it! Now you have your load tester tool 🥳. If you have additional ideas or any problems, please write me ✌🏻.

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