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Reverse a Linked List

"So you designed an algorithm that can sort integers in O(1) time? cool! But can you reverse a singly linked list?" - your interviewer

Reversing a linked list is one of those questions woes solution stares you on the face but it's a bit complex to code it.

Question: Given a single linked list, reverse it.

Let's go step by step on how one will solve it on paper physically.

Linked List:
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Since if we reverse a linked list, the head will point towards end ie null.
1>Let's call that node prev.
2>Let's call the node we're currently on as curr for current
3>Since if we will point node's next towards a new node, we will lose its original next, let's call a node's original next as next.
Based on above our linked list looks like this :
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Now point the curr's next to prev :
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Now move prev to curr since for the next node the curr node will become prev:
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And the next node becomes curr node, similar to initial condition:
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Let's repeat the same process for all nodes.

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At the end we return the prev pointer as the new head.

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Now let's code it down as it is, step by step.

function reverseList(head) {
    var prev = null;                      // set prev to null
    while (head) {
        var next =;             // set next as head's next = prev;                 // set pointer to prev
        prev = head;                      // move prev
        head = next;                      // move head
    return prev;
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And that's it! As a challenge implement the same recursively!

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