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Akshay Kurhekar
Akshay Kurhekar

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What is Web3, and its Evolution ✨.

Hi, welcome back Wow 🥳 Web3 very Interesting topic let’s try to understand it in detail.

Before starting about the web let’s first discuss what actually the difference between the internet and the web 🖥️

So, do you think the internet and the web are the same things or they are different?

Let's see…

Basically, we can interpret the internet as linking other computers around the world and the web as connecting people who can share and access information via the internet. So, to make it simple we can say that the internet is a big bookstore while the web is a collection of books in that store.

Let's begin the journey to understand different versions of sharing and accessing the information that is shared on networks of computers (internet)


So, in the process of sharing information via the internet, the first version was WEB1.0 invented by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989 which provided information primarily in form of text and image format means static content was provided rather than dynamic content because users accessing that information cannot manipulate elements on it due to which Web1 was called as read-only web.
To make it simple we can think of Web1 as a library that can be used to get information in form of text and images but its content cannot be changed in any way.

Web1 was made up of a small number of people generating content for a large audience and a small number of people were highly skilled and experienced technical content creators.

Now, we were getting all the information through Web1 then what was the need for Web2??

Let’s see some of the cons of Web1

As discussed that Web1 does not provide dynamic content so users can download but cannot see how an application works and cannot contribute to its process which means to contribute to the process one should be skilled web developer or technically experienced content creator

The most important drawback of Web1 was that users were not able to interact if someone wanted to change some content or give their feedback or create their own content (which everyone wants today ) that was not possible via Web1 thus Web1 was considered as a one-way communication

So seeing the initial breakthrough of Web1 capabilities Darcy DiNucci invented Web2 in her jan 1999 in which most of the people were engaged in creating even more content rather than just reading (as in Web1)

Web2 does not refer to any specific upgradation to the internet, it refers to a shift that how the internet is used in a new era of the internet there is a high level of information sharing and interconnection among participants, everyone wants to share their ideas with rest of the world, making youtube videos and delivering content that is accessible all around the world etc.

So Web2 eliminated the read-only capability of Web1 by providing active participation rather than just acting as a passive viewer who takes information(Web1) and one need not to be a highly skilled content creator to contribute in process of Web2 as, in Web1 because Web2 is open source that means source code is freely available and thus users can easily see how an application works and make a modification or even build new applications unlike in Web1

Now again if all the capabilities of Web1 were covered by Web2, then why is Web3 needed?

So let's see the drawbacks of Web2

So Web2 not only provided information to us but also started getting information from us which was the major upgradation thus in Web2 client makes an http request to server and if everything is correct it will send back the response so the major flaw is that all the data submitted by user is stored on centralized server controlled by companies which means we have no control over our data or how it is kept or used and interestingly if government feels someone is expressing a viewpoint that opposes their agenda, servers are taken down or bank account are seized

The big companies that control the servers in which our data is stored are using the data without our permission so that they can serve us better content which would make us use the website more thus providing more data to them, and they make money from it.

Most of us does not want such type of things like someone else is owner of our data, server are controlling us like they can use our information in many way they want
Thus no one wants that their secret information should be used, that is they want to be the owner of their own information/data which is currently owned by servers of big companies.

Thus Web3 is the answer to this dilemma. Instead of a Web monopolized by large technology companies, Web3 embraces decentralization and is being built, operated, and owned by its users. Web3 puts power in the hands of individuals rather than corporations.

So, where does all the backend logic is stored??

For backend logic Web3 allows developers to develop smart contracts which will specify the backend logic that runs on ethereum blockchain. A smart contract is an open-source code which anyone can view and use but cannot tweak without permission. Thus the backend logic is written using smart contracts which will be executed on a blockchain engine like for ethereum is EVM (ethereum virtual machine).

For EVM to execute the logic in smart contract, logic is compiled into bytecode so that EVM easily understands the logic and executes it easily.

Bit confusing 🤔???

To make it simple we can say that instead of centralized server which are used in Web2 to store the logic we use smart contracts to define the logic of our application which are deployed on blockchain and shared with everyone, thus backend in Web3 resides in peer to peer network that everyone can contribute and see

And frontend here is focused on communicating with these smart contracts.

Thus Web3 enables end to end encryption which allows users to be more confidential and anonymous which means it helps users to be the owner of their own data.


What is the key difference between Web2 and Web3?

Web2 and Web3 are different generations of the World Wide Web, each with its own characteristics and features.

Web2, also known as the "Read-Write Web," is characterized by the rise of social media, user-generated content, and dynamic web applications that allow users to interact with each other and share information. It is a centralized, client-server architecture where data is stored on central servers and users access it through their browsers.

On the other hand, Web3 is a decentralized and trustless internet that uses blockchain technology and decentralized applications (dApps) to provide a more secure, transparent, and user-centric online experience. In Web3, data is stored on a distributed network of computers, rather than on central servers, and users have more control over their personal data and online interactions.

In summary, the key differences between Web2 and Web3 are:

  • Centralization vs Decentralization: Web2 is centralized, while Web3 is decentralized.
    Control over data: In Web2, data is controlled by central servers and intermediaries, while in Web3, users have more control over their personal data.

  • Trust: Web2 relies on intermediaries and centralized authorities for trust, while Web3 uses cryptographic algorithms and decentralized consensus mechanisms for trust.

  • User experience: Web2 focuses on user experience through dynamic web applications, while Web3 prioritizes user sovereignty and control over data and interactions.

In summary, Web1 was a read-only web, Web2 is a read-write web, and Web3 is a decentralized and trustless internet.

Thanks @sgarg4431 for helping me in writing this blog 🙂.

For more on Blockchain Content 🎉.
Checkout this Blockchain Youtube Channel:
Blockchain With Akshay 😃

Check out other posts 🎉 as well:

Happy learning 😀 Keep reading it makes you more powerful 💪
See you in the next blog 🧾.

Top comments (8)

darth_guappi profile image

Also, you lost me on the backend by way of smart contracts.

I don't get it, so let me rubber duck this.

A webpage is a collection of files on a computer.
. . . . A backend server is the sites file folder.

A user clicks something on the backend.

The business logic connects the back and requests stuff.

Stuff is given back to the user in a fun way they can understand.

So, what do we need smart contracts for what, exactly?

I agree to give you x amount of data for x amount of ETH?

And how does this not create a situation where the user is manipulated into handing out their data for pennies and thus doesn't even bother reading the contract? (Nor should they.)

And why even use ETH to begin with?

akshaykurhekar profile image
Akshay Kurhekar

ok, got your concern.
web3 is more about controlling ownership on your data.
I will try to explain how, in blockchain data is stored in the form of hash in number of blocks which are linked together which ensures security of your data and immutability. For what you are saying that is with Ethereum but we are taking about core concept of web2 and web3.

darth_guappi profile image

See, your inability to answer that question in ANY meaningful way...?

Shows me that you are NOT the guy to listen to when talking about this. . . .

Because all you did was repeat the platitude you mentioned earlier, talk about how blockchain works (which we all know.) and THEN just refer to it as a core concept.




Would interface with the backend of a server by way of a smart contract.

So it shows me you have NO vision for how this would ACTUALLY work in a real world context, or no idea.

Thread Thread
akshaykurhekar profile image
Akshay Kurhekar

sorry, If you didn't get things completely but the questions you are asking is beyond the scope of this post.

but still I will try to answer your question again.
first one. Why we need smart contract?
smart contract is use to do all type of operations on chain means blockchain. you can assume just for understating smart contract as backend code and blockchain as Database.

second Why even we use ETH to begin?
we use Ethereum blockchain because, it is the first one who has supported smart contract, it is open source with good community support get stared.
we need to spend coin to do transaction on Ethereum because we have to commit this Transaction(Tx) on ledger for that validator node use resources to maintain network safe and to approve Tx so, network pays them fees to do so. that fees is charged to user who perform Tx plus amount of storage use and other factors as well.

If still you not get then don't worry I will be creating detail blogs on all this topics soon with examples.

darth_guappi profile image

Web 3 will REALLY be a necessary thing moving forward.

With the advent of deepfakes, A.I. art and using artists work without their consent, 'models' being reduced to literally anything on the web to make a HUGE and amazing tool that those who put their work out there get exploited for existing?

Yeah, a ledger based interface and a tool with a cybereye that examines every uploaded video and can detect deepfakes will be necessary.

Thing is : The people preaching web3 at FIRST (and possibly the writer) had it right. The people who would not shut the hell up about Web3 may have set us back YEARS with the amount of scams that got involved with 'Web3' tech. (AWS pretending to be Web3)

kumarkalyan profile image
Kumar Kalyan

Great article @akshaykurhekar

akshaykurhekar profile image
Akshay Kurhekar • Edited

Hi all, feel free to comment Or feedback on blog

akshaykurhekar profile image
Akshay Kurhekar

Feel free to suggest any topics you want to learn in Blockchain/Web3.