An array is a type of data structure that stores items that can be accessed at an index.
For instance here is an empty array:
and here is an array element containing different kinds of data:
[1, "Alamin", true, {name: 'alamin', age: 25}]
Arrays contain three kinds of methods, the mutator methods that modify the original array, accessor methods that returns a new value and iterable methods which accesses each array item at a time.
Here, I will focus mostly on the common array iterable methods like map(), filter(), find(), every(), some(), forEach(), reduce().
1: map() array method
A map() methods return a new array copy of the original array which can then be used to access each array element and return its value for each iteration.
let arr = [1,2,3,4,5];
let arrayMap = => item += item)
//[ 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 ]
This code maps arr to arrayMap using a map() method and enables it to access each item , where a value is return containing an item added by itself.
Lets say the Government increases the taxes on food items by 20 shillings, but we still need to know the previous prices.
const initialFoodPrices = [
{ image: "🍕", name: "pizza", price: 1000 },
{ image: "🍔", name: "burger", price: 800 },
{ image: "🥪", name: "sandwich", price: 600 },
if we map into initialFoodPrices, *item * returns an array of objects => item)
we can access an element of each object using a .dot notation on since item returns an objects data, for example => item.price)
will return all prices in the objects into a new array. We can then add the added taxes to the prices to return the new prices
//[1000, 800, 600] => item.price + 20)
(3) [1020, 820, 620]
**Note if you don't return your value on a map(), your values will be undefined. *
2: forEach() array method
Array forEach() is used when one needs to iterate over array items one-by-one so that you can do something with them. The difference between map() and forEach(), is that map() returns a new array
while forEach(), does not return any value.
For example the code below, we are iterating through runners arrays and accessing every athlete to show if they run 100 meters race:
let runners = ['Kipchoge', 'Kipchumba', 'Koskei']
.forEach((athlete) => {
console.log(`${athlete} runs 100 meters`)
//Kipchoge runs 100 meters
//Kipchumba runs 100 meters
//Koskei runs 100 meters
forEach() is useful when populating data on the DOM or target an event to a group of HTML elements. Below shows how one can add an eventListner to a group of buttons with the same class/id name.
<div class="jumbotron">
<button class=" btn-primary text-center btns">Go blue</button>
<button class=" btn-white text-center btns">Go white</button>
<button class=" btn-danger text-center btns">Go red</button>
To add an event listner to the three buttons, we will use querySelectorAll('.btns') which returns a nodeList containing all the button elements.
const buttons = document.querySelectorAll('.btns')
if you eventListner directly to the grabbed elements on buttons, it will give you an error of buttons.addEventListner is not a function.
buttons.addEventListener('click', () => { = "#fff000"})
This is because we are trying to access the nodeList as one element, yet it is an array of elements(i.e the buttons).
The nodeList exposes methods like forEach() which can help you access each button element in the nodeList and add an eventListner to each button. Lets remove the error using forEach()
buttons.forEach(button =>
('click', function goYellow() {
console.log('I laugh for every click 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀')
when every button is click, an event lister of click is added to every button element in the nodeList, and a function call is executed.
3: filter() array method
filter() **returns **a new array containing only the items you specified.
for example, you may need to filter only items that are above 450 , since they are expensive from a menu list
const availableFoods = [
{id: "qwe234dfh", name: "Burger", image:"🍔🍔", price: 234},
{id: "qwe2356dxh", name: "pizza", image:"🍕🍕", price: 400},
{id: "qwe2456yh", name: "meat", image:"🍖🍖", price: 500},
{id: "qwe2785yh", name: "chicken", image:"🍗🍗", price: 1200},
const expensiveItems = availableFoods.filter((items) => {return items.price > 450})
// {id: "qwe2456yh", name: "meat", image:"🍖🍖", price: 500},
// {id: "qwe2785yh", name: "chicken", image:"🍗🍗", price: 1200},
Array reduce
Array reduced is used when one needs a single value, mostly when one needs to end up with a calculated value of the whole array. it has a *prev **and **next *, where prev refers to the value returned on the next iteration, and next as the current value.
const reducedValues = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].reduce((prev, next) => {
console.log(`prev: ${prev}, next: ${next}`)
return prev + next
Lets say we have a list of food menu and we need to calculate the total price
//lets calculate the tottal price of this dinner
let mydinner = [
{ id: "qwe234dfh", name: "Burger", image: "🍔🍔", price: 500 },
{ id: "qwe2456yh", name: "meat", image: "🍖🍖", price: 600 },
{ id: "qwe2785yh", name: "chicken", image: "🍗🍗", price: 400 },
For this, we need to access the prices inside an object hence we will first need to return an array containing all prices, then reduce the returned array.
We will map into the array of objects and access the objects.prices values into an new array
const totalP = => foodPrice.price)
After that, we can then reduce the price values into a single value, totalPrice
const totalP = => foodPrice.price)
.reduce((prev, next) => {
return prev + next
}, 0);
console.log("total bill is ..... ", totalP, "ksh")
some() array method
some() checks if an array item passes a particular test, hence
returning a boolean (true or false). For example, we can use some() to check if a certain group of students are software developers.
let students = [
{name: 'John', email: '', softwareDev: "true"},
{name: 'John', email: '', softwareDev: "false"},
{name: 'John', email: '', softwareDev: "true"},
.some((item) => {return item.softwareDev})
returns true because yes some persons in the array are a softwareDev
Alamin Juma
Enjoys hiking and swimming
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I am a beginner