The database is on tap, the elixir image is ready and sharp observers, on their third espresso, will notice: Phoenix is still not present!
To get Phoenix installed we need to:
- have the containers running
- sign in to the web container as devuser
- install the Erlang and Elixir package managers
- install the Phoenix package (and dependencies).
These things go into hidden folders within the (container) /apps folder because it is the home folder for the devuser account used for development.
- After this, the standard mix commands can be used to initiate projects, run migrations, run the web servers and so on.
- From this point, the standard text books for Phoenix 1.5 (e.g. McCord, Tate & Valim) can be followed without problems.
Start the containers:
From the command line:
docker-compose up -d
Connect to the web container shell
From the command line:
docker exec -u devuser -ti myp_dev_web_1 /bin/ash
Install Erlang package manager called Rebar
mix local.rebar --force
Install Elixir package manager called Hex
mix local.hex --force
Install Phoenix tool packages
mix archive.install hex phx_new 1.6.10 --force
- By the time you read this: version 1.6.10 may no longer be ideal so review what is the latest stable edition:
Run up a fresh Phoenix project
mix myp
All being well, your project is now rolling and you will need to adjust the database configuration for the project.
- The database configuration should reflect the database user (myp_user) and database instance (myp_dev) created earlier.
- The database configuration should also reflect that the database host should be db (the service name from the docker-compose.yml file) rather than localhost!
The Elixir driver for PostgreSQL is postgrex and there are some relevant extensions to consider at this point:
- This tutorial has been run through to test that it works. Any problems, leave a comment and I will respond.
- This tutorial works through a few awkward challenges; these solutions may have saved you some time. If you are feeling generous, you could buy me a coffee!
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