
Cover image for All of Reacts concepts- one article
Albert Jokelin
Albert Jokelin

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All of Reacts concepts- one article

React, developed by Facebook, has transformed web development with its component-based architecture and efficient rendering. However, mastering React requires a solid grasp of its core concepts.

In this comprehensive article, we'll explore all the essential aspects of React. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, this guide covers everything from components and state management to hooks and lifecycle methods.

By the end, you'll have a thorough understanding of React's ecosystem and be ready to build sophisticated, maintainable applications.


A function that returns markup (JSX). Kind of like legos, basic building blocks of a react app.

function Profile() {
  return (
      alt="Katherine Johnson"

export default function Gallery() {
  return (
      <h1>Amazing scientists</h1>
      <Profile />
      <Profile />
      <Profile />

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Curly braces

Allows react to be dynamic by allowing values to pass through it.

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An empty component is usually used as a parent container to return multiple components simultaneously.

    <ChildComponent />
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The parameters passed through containers. Anything can be a prop including other components (as children, known as composition).

A 'key' in props (similar to the primary key in SQL) is used to identify a component. Usually, it is the current index.

// Writing a function that supports props
function Avatar({ person, size }) {
  return (

// Using props with the component
return (
      person={{ name: 'Lin Lanying', imageId: '1bX5QH6' }}
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Works by using a virtual DOM (VDOM). how does it work:

  • State changed? update VDOM to reflect changes
  • 'Diff'ing is performed: Check for changes between DOM and VDOM.
  • 'Reconciliation' with the DOM is performed.

Image courtesy of, Describes rendering in react

Event Handling

Handles different events like onClick(), onChange(), and onSubmit().

Image description


A snapshot of the app at any given point. We use special functions like useState and useReducer.

function Example() {
  // Declare a new state variable, which we'll call "count"
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

  return (
      <p>You clicked {count} times</p>
      <button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>
        Click me
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Controlled Components

Components used by a state to have a more predictable behaviour.

const [value, setValue] = useState('')
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We change the state to change the behaviour.


It allows us to hook into features like state within function components. There are 5 types of hooks:

  • State Hooks- useState, useReducer, to manage state
  • Context Hooks- useContext, use data through context
  • Ref Hooks- useRef, to reference HTML
  • Effect Hooks- useEffect, Lets you connect to external systems and APIs.
  • Performance Hooks- useMemo, useCallback, Boosts performance.

Types of hooks in react


Describes how react components should work (Like the one in Functional Programming). It follows two rules:

  • Only return JSX
  • Don't change stuff that existed before rendering

Strict Mode

A component that detects problems during app development. Here's how to use it:

  <App />
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Code that reaches outside the react application (like an API). Best done using event handlers or useEffect.

function ChatRoom({ roomId }) {
  const [serverUrl, setServerUrl] = useState('https://localhost:1234');

  useEffect(() => {
    const connection = createConnection(serverUrl, roomId);
    return () => {
  }, [serverUrl, roomId]);
  // ...
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Used to reference an element on DOM. Useful for tasks like focusing on an element.

export default function Counter() {
  let ref = useRef(0);

  function handleClick() {
    ref.current = ref.current + 1;
    alert('You clicked ' + ref.current + ' times!');

  return (
    <button onClick={handleClick}>
      Click me!
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Passing data without sending as props.

function Button() {
  const theme = useContext(ThemeContext);
  return <button className={theme} />;
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Image courtesy of Shamalka Vanod (medium)


Context for components. Ideal for modals, dropdowns and tooltips.

  <p>This child is placed in the parent div.</p>
    <p>This child is placed in the document body.</p>,
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Component to wait for something to load/occur. Provides a fallback UX till the other component is fetched/rendered.

<Suspense fallback={<Loading />}>
  <SomeComponent />
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Error Boundaries

Component to show a fallback component should that app encounter an error (like a 404 page).

export function MessageContainer({ messagePromise }) {
  return (
    <ErrorBoundary fallback={<p>⚠️Something went wrong</p>}>
      <Suspense fallback={<p>⌛Downloading message...</p>}>
        <Message messagePromise={messagePromise} />

function Message({ messagePromise }) {
  const content = use(messagePromise);
  return <p>Here is the message: {content}</p>;

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React Dev

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