- Custom types are supported, and you can define which one you will use
- You are able to choose what categories or terms you want to show.
- You are able to choose the taxonomy you want to use for your slider.
- This slider is responsive and you can manage the number of the items that will be shown on large, medium, and small screens.
- You are not limited by the number of sliders per page.
- You can use order by taxonomies and terms together as well.
Short video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01neI1mfVJY&feature=emb_logo
Everything that you need is to use the shortcodes like on examples below:
[cs_slick_slider_all post_type="post" post_number="10" swipe="false" responsive="large=5,medium=3,small=1,exsmall=1" show_description="true"]
[cs_slick_slider_all post_type="project" taxonomy="project_cat" terms="10,14,16" post_number="10" swipe="false" ]
PRO version: https://conic-solutions.com/wp-plugins/slick-slider-all/
Freemium version: https://wordpress.org/plugins/slick-slider-all/
Top comments (2)
Hey! Firstly, thanks you for this post. I quite often use Slick and I’ve written separate js Factory-based class for Slick which I always use. But I can’t understand why we need to use plugin for that? This library is very easy to use and so flexible. I think there is no need to pay money for even “premium” plugin which uses 100% free slick js lib as a core.
Hi Malik,
First of all, thank you for your comment, I really appreciate it.
You're right if you know about PHP, and if you know how to do that with slick slider.
That what you talking about you have to be familiar with PHP, you have to know where to put JS code, etc.
But more than that, what if you want to have a slider for custom post types, custom taxonomy, terms/categories, etc.?
Someone who doesn't know about PHP is not able to do that.
Instead of that, using this plugin, you can do that easy with shortcodes:
So, in this way, you're able to do that in a very very easy way.