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Dealing with Imposter Syndrome.

Well, first and foremost the Questions.

  • What is imposter syndrome?.

  • Is it a mental illness?.

  • How does it affect me?.

  • What are the types of imposter Syndrome?.

  • How to overcome imposter syndrome?.

Wow, so many questions, well that's fine because I'll answer all of them.

Question 1: What is Imposter Syndrome?.

Imposter Syndrome was first coined from this two clinical psychologists Clause, Pauline Rose and Imes, Suzanne Ament 1978 described imposter Syndrome (also known as fraud syndrome or the impostor experience) as a "psychological pattern which makes people doubt their accomplishments causing an internalized fear of being exposed as a fraud, so the individual persistently rejects credits.

Question 2: Is it a mental illness?.

Of course not, If it were we would all be crazy. Imposter Syndrome is simply a state of mind or an experience leading to low self-esteem and depression. Research, states that 70% of successfully people experience imposter Syndrome, like:

  • World-renowned physicist and scientist - Albert Einstein.
  • CEO of Starbuck - Howard Schultz‍.
  • popular actor - Tom Hanks
  • and the list goes on and on...

Question 3: How does it affect me?.

Well, It affects you psychologically in different ways but it's mostly common among new employees in a big company with colleagues and leaders with different levels of experience and backgrounds contrary to yours or beginner when learning something entirely new and difficult to master. It will affect your communication skills with other people and your productivity in your company.

Question 4: What are the types of imposter syndrome?.

Imposter syndrome can come in different forms depending on how you may perceive yourself.

  • The Perfectionist: The perfectionist expects themself to carry all tasks with precision to avoid possible negative feedbacks.

  • The Natural Genius: People with this type of imposter syndrome believe they shouldn't struggle with any kind of problem, To struggle means they are not competent or worthy of the task being set for them.

  • The Over Worker: According to Psychologist, This is the most harmful manifestation of imposter syndrome when it comes to personal health and well-being. An over worker works the harder to measure up to colleagues that are more experienced and qualified than they are, Ironically this will have the opposite effect as it can affect your relationship with the people you are trying to emulate.

  • The Rugged Individualist: The Rugged Individualist is a person that feels like asking for help will expose him as an inexperienced individual or a fraud. in such cases, this individual tends to work alone to prove their capability.

  • The Experts: The Experts believes their education and skills even their qualifications are frauds, people suffering from this type of imposter syndrome believe they have tricked the employers into hiring them and begin to have an immense fear that he or she would soon be exposed as a phoney.

How to overcome Imposter Syndrome?.

Well, Imposter syndrome may lead to people developing anxiety, stress and depression. They become obsessed with the negative feedback, mistakes and failures that they experience.

  • These are ways one can cope and deal with Imposter Syndrome.

    • The first is to realize no one is perfect that imperfection is part of being a human being and learn to embrace your skills as you are qualified for them and don't quit out of irrational fears.
    • Having a growth Mindset is as powerful as having a skill or a degree because it helps you know where your strength and weaknesses lie and how to improve your skills without faltering. changing your mentality will help you know that fears are all in your imagination and failure is a necessary part of growth.
    • Talking to someone can be the most simple but effective way to deal with imposter syndrome. As the old saying goes, > a problem shared is a problem solved.

Thank you guys, for taking a few minutes to read this article. I hope you enjoyed it.

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