DEV Community

Alexander Tarler
Alexander Tarler

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Episode IV: A New Hope

Hey there, you!

Ever since I can remember I've been a master at starting up projects with a burning passion. I would get an idea for a game, or a story, a video or basically anything, and then hook my brain-teeth straight into that idea. I would set up everything I needed to start, wear my favorite pair of pyjamas pants, grab a cup of coffee, sit down in front of my new projects and...

Nothing. I would stare at the screen, not knowing where to start, while also cursing myself out for not doing anything. I would attempt to achieve perfection from the start, and when this impossible task turned out to be just that, I would give up. I would feel as if I was incapable of even having good ideas, and I would marinate in these negative thoughts until I had yet another idea. Rince and repeat the process, over and over again, until I would feel as if I was not meant to create, or be creative. To express myself.

It's a depressing thought, but one that I very much realize that I want to escape. I know I'm not the only one, and I'm willing to bet that you, my dear reader, can recognize this.

It's time for a change, I think. I have decided to grab my ideas by the neck, and then work them down into manageable, fun projects that will at least be achieveable. I'm starting with game development, and even though I've started a few game projects I've yet to properly finish one. I've decided to go "start over" by recreating classic/retro games for a while, just to have an easy goal, produce something and hopefully learn a lesson or two on the way. I'm going to document and share my progress, and hopefully someone in need might find something that helps them with their own projects.

I hope that your summer is great, dear reader, and that you are able to work on your passion projects.

Take care of yourself,


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