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php routes benchmarks Series' Articles

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New php router is 25 times faster then klein router
Cover image for New php router is 25 times faster then klein router

New php router is 25 times faster then klein router

Comments 6
2 min read
New PHP router wich is 7 to 15 times faster then Symfony router
Cover image for New PHP router wich is 7 to 15 times faster then Symfony router

New PHP router wich is 7 to 15 times faster then Symfony router

Comments 5
2 min read
New PHP router wich is 30 to 50 times faster then Laravel router

New PHP router wich is 30 to 50 times faster then Laravel router

Comments 5
1 min read
New PHP router wich is 24 to 42 times fatser then Yii2 router
Cover image for New PHP router wich is 24 to 42 times fatser then Yii2 router

New PHP router wich is 24 to 42 times fatser then Yii2 router

Comments 2
2 min read
Real life comparison of Symfony router and Mezon router
Cover image for Real life comparison of Symfony router and Mezon router

Real life comparison of Symfony router and Mezon router

Comments 3
3 min read
Real life comparison of Symfony router and Mezon router. Part 2
Cover image for Real life comparison of Symfony router and Mezon router. Part 2

Real life comparison of Symfony router and Mezon router. Part 2

Comments 2
2 min read
Benchmark of PHP Altorouter
Cover image for Benchmark of PHP Altorouter

Benchmark of PHP Altorouter

2 min read
New benchmark shows that Mezon PHP Router is up to 60 times faster then Slim one
Cover image for New benchmark shows that Mezon PHP Router is up to 60 times faster then Slim one

New benchmark shows that Mezon PHP Router is up to 60 times faster then Slim one

2 min read
Benchmark of Mezon PHP Router and LeagueRouter
Cover image for Benchmark of Mezon PHP Router and LeagueRouter

Benchmark of Mezon PHP Router and LeagueRouter

2 min read
Mezon PHP Router is up to 82 times fatser then Bramus Router
Cover image for Mezon PHP Router is up to 82 times fatser then Bramus Router

Mezon PHP Router is up to 82 times fatser then Bramus Router

2 min read
New PHP Router wich is up to 1500 times faster then Aura Router
Cover image for New PHP Router wich is up to 1500 times faster then Aura Router

New PHP Router wich is up to 1500 times faster then Aura Router

Comments 1
2 min read
New benchmark: Mezon Router VS Phroute
Cover image for New benchmark: Mezon Router VS Phroute

New benchmark: Mezon Router VS Phroute

2 min read
New Benchmark. Mezon Router is up to 36 times faster then Pux Router
Cover image for New Benchmark. Mezon Router is up to 36 times faster then Pux Router

New Benchmark. Mezon Router is up to 36 times faster then Pux Router

2 min read
Mezon PHP Router is up to 219 times faster than Sunrise Router
Cover image for Mezon PHP Router is up to 219 times faster than Sunrise Router

Mezon PHP Router is up to 219 times faster than Sunrise Router

Comments 1
2 min read
New benchmark: Mezon Router is up to 931 times faster then Rareloop Router
Cover image for New benchmark: Mezon Router is up to 931 times faster then Rareloop Router

New benchmark: Mezon Router is up to 931 times faster then Rareloop Router

2 min read
Benchmark: Mezon Router is up to 196 times faster then Hoa Router
Cover image for Benchmark: Mezon Router is up to 196 times faster then Hoa Router

Benchmark: Mezon Router is up to 196 times faster then Hoa Router

4 min read
Benchmark: Mezon Router is up to 699 times faster then Danny VanKooten Router
Cover image for Benchmark: Mezon Router is up to 699 times faster then Danny VanKooten Router

Benchmark: Mezon Router is up to 699 times faster then Danny VanKooten Router

4 min read
Benchmark: Mezon Router is up to 463 times faster then Pecee Router
Cover image for Benchmark: Mezon Router is up to 463 times faster then Pecee Router

Benchmark: Mezon Router is up to 463 times faster then Pecee Router

4 min read
New benchmark: Mezon Router is up to 658 times faster than Coffee Router
Cover image for New benchmark: Mezon Router is up to 658 times faster than Coffee Router

New benchmark: Mezon Router is up to 658 times faster than Coffee Router

5 min read
New benchmark: Mezon Router is up to 222 times faster than Steampixel Router
Cover image for New benchmark: Mezon Router is up to 222 times faster than Steampixel Router

New benchmark: Mezon Router is up to 222 times faster than Steampixel Router

5 min read
New benchmark: Mezon Router is up to 1092 times faster than Izniburak Router
Cover image for New benchmark: Mezon Router is up to 1092 times faster than Izniburak Router

New benchmark: Mezon Router is up to 1092 times faster than Izniburak Router

5 min read
New benchmark: Mezon Router is up to 922 times faster than MiladRahimi Router
Cover image for New benchmark: Mezon Router is up to 922 times faster than MiladRahimi Router

New benchmark: Mezon Router is up to 922 times faster than MiladRahimi Router

6 min read
New benchmark: Mezon Router VS Toro Router
Cover image for New benchmark: Mezon Router VS Toro Router

New benchmark: Mezon Router VS Toro Router

7 min read
New benchmark: Mezon Router VS Power Router
Cover image for New benchmark: Mezon Router VS Power Router

New benchmark: Mezon Router VS Power Router

Comments 2
7 min read
New benchmark: Mezon Router is up to 567 times faster than Zaphpa Router
Cover image for New benchmark: Mezon Router is up to 567 times faster than Zaphpa Router

New benchmark: Mezon Router is up to 567 times faster than Zaphpa Router

Comments 1
7 min read
New benchmark: Mezon Router is up to 186 times faster than Joomla Router
Cover image for New benchmark: Mezon Router is up to 186 times faster than Joomla Router

New benchmark: Mezon Router is up to 186 times faster than Joomla Router

8 min read
New benchmark: Mezon Router is up to 128 times faster than Teto Router
Cover image for New benchmark: Mezon Router is up to 128 times faster than Teto Router

New benchmark: Mezon Router is up to 128 times faster than Teto Router

Comments 1
8 min read
New benchmark: Mezon Router is up to 480 times faster than Leaf Router
Cover image for New benchmark: Mezon Router is up to 480 times faster than Leaf Router

New benchmark: Mezon Router is up to 480 times faster than Leaf Router

9 min read
New benchmark: Mezon Router is up to 235 times faster than Macaw Router
Cover image for New benchmark: Mezon Router is up to 235 times faster than Macaw Router

New benchmark: Mezon Router is up to 235 times faster than Macaw Router

9 min read