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Cover image for Getting Familiar with Firebase Authorization Fundamentals x Twilio Hackathon Update
Alex Morton
Alex Morton

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Getting Familiar with Firebase Authorization Fundamentals x Twilio Hackathon Update

This post was originally published on April 17, 2020 on my blog.

Alright, team. It's a quarter to noon, and I need to get myself into gear for today's work!

Had a great morning - reading, writing, and meditating. Looking forward to a productive Friday afternoon.

I'd like to get as far as I can with the Firebase Auth tutorial I'm currently following along with. I'd say I'm a little less than halfway there. If I can finish it, that would be amazing; but I'm also not putting way too much pressure on myself in that regard.

If I can simply get to a point where I'm comfortable with it, and then move on to implementing user login capabilities with my hackathon project, then that'll be the move.

Calling to the muse for inspiration and motivation. Cheers!

Top comments (3)

yassineche profile image
Yassine Cheddadi

I don't think the Firebase auth will take that much of time and work as you think,
In general, Firebase it's totally simple to use...
To demystify, keep your mind clear and i like you way you motivate yourself 💪🏻
I looking forward to your next step.
Good luck.

madebygps profile image
Gwyneth Peña-Siguenza

Your post are always personal and welcoming. Love reading them 👍🏽

alexlsalt profile image
Alex Morton

Ohhhh, thank you!!! Love hearing that!