Drop down options on forms are an important aspect of the functionality of my react-redux/ruby on rails project, RuneScape themed task bingo, viewable here (hosted on heroku).
I found myself satisfied with the outcome and wanted to show how I built out the result starting at the HTML foundation up to dynamic use with react.
Starting with the basics of a form. (just the "select" and "submit" parts for this example even though it had more inputs in the project)
<label>Which team are you submitting for? </label>
<select name="team">
<option>Select A Team</option>
{//teams need to populate as <option> tags}
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
From there I would incorporate the react elements such as state and handling changes or submitting.
const [formState, setFormState] = useState(initialState)
function handleSubmit(e){
//patch request to backend and reset form state
const handleChange = (e) => {
const { name, value } = e.target
setFormState((prevState) => ({...prevState, [name]: value}))
<form onSubmit={(e) => handleSubmit(e)}>
<label>Which team are you submitting for? </label>
<select name="team" value={formState.team} onChange={handleChange}>
<option>Select A Team</option>
{//teams need to populate as <option> tags}
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
Now we have the basics of a form that will keep its contents in state and send a patch request when submitted. The remainder of the options come from the active "game" that is held in the redux store. We pull that into this component with:
const activeGame = useSelector ((state) => state.game.value)
Since our game object has a board array, each with the associated team, we can just use .map to create components for each team to fill in the tag.
<select name="team" value={formState.team} onChange={handleChange}>
<option>Select A Team</option>
{activeGame.boards.map(board => <option key={board.team.id}>{board.team.team_name}</option>)}
The intuitive nature of React made this fairly straightforward to do even after only a few months coding in javascript. If you have a different or better way of creating select options for forms please share below as I'm always looking to improve my own practices.
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