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Alex Parra
Alex Parra

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filterMap - JavaScript filter and map in O(n)

It's common that we need to get a subset of items from an array. For example, get only the users that are subscribed to the newsletter from the list of all users. This is commonly a job for Array.filter.

 * Get list of subscribed users
 * @param {User[]} users The list of all users
 * @retuns {User[]} Only users that are subscribed
const getSubscribedUsers = users => {
  return users.filter(user => user.is_subscribed);
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It's also common that we need to apply some transformation to a set of data. For example, get a list of full names from a list of users by concatenating each user's first_name and last_name.

 * Get list of users full names
 * @param {User[]} users The list of all users
 * @retuns {string[]} Users full names
const getUsersFullNames = users => {
  return => `${user.first_name} ${user.last_name}`);
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*But what if we need the full names of the subscribed users only?
Frequently we'll see:

const subscribedUsers = getSubscribedUsers(users);
const subscribedUsersNames = getUsersFullNames(subscribedUsers);
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The problem with this approach, which might not be too significant on a small set of users but is when dealing with large sets, is that it requires two loops: the first across every user and the second across every subscribedUser.

The method I'm sharing with you here accomplishes the same result but looping just once over the data set – O(n) – thus making it more performant:

const isFn = f => typeof f === 'function';

 * Filter and Map an Array in a single loop
 * @param {array} arr The list to process
 * @param {function} filterFn The filtering logic
 * @param {function} mapFn The transforming logic
const filterMap = (arr, filterFn = null, mapFn = null) => {
  return arr.reduce((acc, item, i) => {
    if (isFn(filterFn) && filterFn(item, i) === false) return acc;
    const newItem = isFn(mapFn) ? mapFn(item, i) : item;
    return [...acc, newItem];
  }, []);

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And an example usage would be:

const isSubscribed = user => user.is_subscribed;
const getFullName = user => `${user.first_name} ${user.last_name}`;

const subscribedUsersNames = filterMap(users, isSubscribed, getFullName);
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In the example above, isSubscribed is a utility function that will be used to evaluate if the item (each user) should be kept or excluded, and getFullName is a utility function that will determine the data we get back in the new list.

Check it out at CodeSandbox with tests:

Spotted a mistake? Let me know!

Top comments (3)

vonheikemen profile image

If you can put the arr argument last then it would be easier to do partial application.

const isSubscribed = user => user.is_subscribed;
const getFullName = user => `${user.first_name} ${user.last_name}`;
const getSubscribed = filterMap.bind(null, isSubscribed, getFullName);

const subscribedUsersNames = getSubscribed(users);

// then you could also use it as a callback

  .then(res => res.json())
martynaskadisa profile image
Martynas Kadiša

This is essentially what transducers are used for. When you have a large data set and want to process it in a single pass with small utility functions. Here's an example codesandbox:

And here's an article about them that explains them better than I ever could:

gustav profile image

You should learn more about Big-O notation. O(n) does not mean you loop over the array just once. It means you loop over the array k*n+d times for some constants k and d. Both calling map and filter in order or doing what you do is O(n).