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Cover image for Let's Get Started With Azure Static Web Apps
Frank Boucher ☁ for All Around Azure

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Let's Get Started With Azure Static Web Apps

πŸ“Ί 015 - John Papa πŸŽ™οΈ Frank Boucher

John Papa is joining Frank to talk about Azure Static Web Apps documentation, one of the newest service/product included in Azure. He will explain what it is, what the difference between a "static" and a "regular" website. In short, John will make sure all of us are ready to start playing with Azure Static Web Apps.

Once we are all at the same level John will publish a Svelte JavaScript app and API with Azure Static Web Apps. Then explain how things work to automatically deploy and update a static web application and its API from a GitHub repository.

Finally, we will talk about all the security, and provide tons of information, references to help you get started.

Useful Links

πŸ”— Azure Static Web Apps documentation

πŸ”— GitHub

πŸ”— Learn Module: Publish an Angular, React, Svelte, or Vue JavaScript app and API with Azure Static Web Apps

πŸ”— ShopAtHome Demo

πŸ”— Azure / static-web-apps

πŸ”— Post by Burke Holland

πŸ”— johnpapa / hello-worlds

πŸ”— VS Code Extension

Learn more about John Papa

πŸ”— @John_Papa

πŸ”— Bio


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