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Philosophy and variable naming are related

From a philosophical point of view, which implies criticism, being a good citizen is non-sense, unless it is somehow logically reasoned.

A thing is not a thing until someone makes something to be a thing.

Developers need things to build software. And they label these things by names. Not only that, but also they chain the existence of some things with the existence of other things depending on more things, and their existence.

Developers are like little gods that have to put order to the lighting fast electricity they have the control of.

But developers depend on things.

Which things? Tons of them.

But the archetypes of the things that developers build are one very specific kind of things, with a specific set of properties that make them unique, singular, but powerful as fuck.

I am talking about the thing of things.

The world is an idea.

Your world is another one.

You are another one too.

And the idea of an idea?

No idea.

Names, language, things, communication.

Have you ever wondered why software development started by words, instead of by windows?

Tidy your room, human, clean your house, garbage-collector.

What if god was observing at you.

What if the machine is programming you instead.

What if you were just a robot.

Philosophy, on the other hand, is just the product of tons and tons of mental diarreas put together trying to smell better than others. It is beautiful, kind of artistic, but they lack of order, convention, pragmatism, and maths, they have no math or almost.

But the original maths contain the ours, and our natural language, and even ourselves.

Enjoy life if a world of suffering and fight lets you. Male bitches.

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