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Alson Garbuja
Alson Garbuja

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Idempotent: What does this means?

Welcome back to our series, Now You Know! Last time, we explored the concept of the Virtual DOM and how React leverages it to update and render components efficiently.

Today, we’re diving into a mathematical and programming concept: idempotence.

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According to Wikipedia

Idempotence is the property of certain operations in mathematics and computer science whereby they can be applied multiple times without changing the result beyond the initial application.

But what exactly is an idempotent operation, and why should we care about it? Let’s dig in.

Idempotent operation

An idempotent operation is one that can be performed repeatedly with the same result every time. In other words, running it multiple times yields the same outcome as if it were only run once.

Example of an Idempotent multiplicaiton operation

In the example above, we see a simple multiplication operation with two parameters, 2 and 2, producing a result: “The answer is 4.” No matter how many times this operation runs, the result will always be the same.

Why care about Idempotence?

Now that you understand idempotent operations, you might wonder why they matter. After all, you’ve likely written many functions that behave in such way. But understanding idempotence is crucial, it brings consistency and reliability to the system.

Advantages of Idempotence

Especially in areas such as:

  • Database operations: Making database operations such as writes and updates idempotent ensures repeated operation doesnot change the stored data unexpectedly.
  • API design: With idempotent API endpoints we can be sure unintended consequences do not occur in repeated calls.
  • Network requests: Retrying failed request calls becomes safer, since we know the operations are idempotent and will not produce unwanted results.

Idempotent is not just property but a foundational principal that ensures we build resilient and predictable system.

Examples of Idempotent operation

Some examples of where Idempotent operation can be used are:

  • API endpoints: GET endpoints in REST APIs are Idempotent in nature. No matter how many times we call a GET resource from the server, the server will always return the data in the format specified and data present in the database.
  • Transaction operations: Transaction of money from one account to another account is one of the most used operation around the globe and they must be created as Idempotent operation since we don't want customers getting charged extra for honest mistake like network latency, lack of system knowledge or poorly designed system

Similary it can be helpful in many situations where predictability and reliablity of the system is priority.


While Idempotent offers stability and produces resilient systems, not all operations must be Idempotent. Some cavaets to keep in mind are:

  • Not always applicable: Not all operations/functions can be Idempotent. Operation such as Increment/Decrement operation cannot be made Idempotent with out extra handling and probably should not be made Idempotent either since we need different result in each calls.
  • Complexity in implementation: Making certain operations idempotent may introduce extra complexity. For example when retrying transaction operation we need to ensure the customer isn't charged multiple times which requires sophisticated handling of the overall transaction operation.
  • Performance overhead: Implementing idempotence, especially in distributed system will add extra steps(such as tracking state, checking for duplicate datas), which might impact performance.


To wrap up, idempotence is a foundational concept that allows us to design operations that are predictable, resilient, and ultimately contribute to building reliable systems. It plays a key role in fields like API design, database transactions, and network requests.

But with every concepts of programming and life, idempotence is not with its limitation and should not be used overly.

Just like with the Virtual DOM, after reading this, I hope I can say, Now you know! If you found this helpful, feel free to share it and let us know what you’d like covered next. Until then—happy coding!

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