DEV Community

Aman Deol
Aman Deol

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My First Week in DevOps: Starting with Linux

Hey there! This week marks the beginning of my journey into the world of DevOps, and I’ve decided to start with the basics—learning Linux. I’m excited (and a little nervous!) to dive into this field, and I thought I’d document my progress along the way to help others who might also be starting out.

Why Linux?
I have notice that Linux skills are essential. It’s the backbone of most server environments, and knowing your way around the Linux command line is a fundamental part of being a DevOps engineer. So, for me, starting with Linux made sense. It’s the foundation on which I’ll be building all the other skills I need for DevOps.

My First Challenges
Getting used to typing commands instead of using a mouse was tough! But practicing daily is helping me get the hang of it. My first “win” was learning to use grep to search for text in files—something I can see will be really useful later on.

What’s Next?
Next week, I’ll be exploring shell scripting to start automating tasks. I’ll be sharing more updates as I go, so stay tuned for more of my DevOps journey!

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