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Amitav Mishra
Amitav Mishra

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Let's explore the setTimeout and setInterval methods in JavaScript

The setTimeout() method

The setTimeout() method calls a function after a specified time provided in milliseconds. This method takes a function as a first argument and time in milliseconds as the second argument. You can write your logic inside the function body which will execute after the time you have specified.

For example: Show an alert box after 5 seconds.

setTimeout(()=> {
    alert('Message after 5 seconds');
}, 5000);
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To cancel the timer, you can store the timer first in a variable and call the clearTimeout() function by passing the timer as argument.

var timer = setTimeout(()=> {
    alert('Message after 5 seconds');
}, 5000);

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The setInterval() method

The setInterval() method calls a function at specified interval of time provided in milliseconds. It takes function and time (in milliseconds) as its arguments.

For example: Print a random number every second.

setInterval(() => {
}, 1000);
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To cancel the interval, you can store the interval first in a variable and call the clearInterval() function by passing the interval as argument.

var interval = setInterval(() => {
}, 1000);

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Create a running clock timer

To create a running clock, we need to take help of setInterval() method and Date object. We can get the current time by creating a new Date object.

new Date().toLocaleTimeString(); // 4:50:16 PM
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Once we create a Date object, it will give us the information of current date and time, it will not change its value with the passing time. So we need to create a fresh new Date object every time to get the latest date and time.

For this example, we will create a new Date object every second and print that.

var date = setInterval(() => { 
   console.log(new Date().toLocaleTimeString());
}, 1000);
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To show the running clock timer on a web page, you can create a div element in HTML and set the it’s innerHTML with the latest time every second.

<div id="time"> </div>
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var date = setInterval(() => {
  const element = document.getElementById('time');
  element.innerHTML = new Date().toLocaleTimeString();
}, 1000);
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