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Ananya Chettri
Ananya Chettri

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AI Interviewing Myths: What Video Interviewing Software Can’t Do

As technology advances, so are the tools we utilize during the employment process. AI interview solutions and video interviewing software are gaining popularity, with the potential to speed recruitment and improve applicant evaluations. However, these developments have resulted in various myths and fallacies. Let's look at some prevalent fallacies regarding AI interviewing and what video interviewing software cannot achieve.

Myth 1: AI Can Completely Replace Human Judgment

One common misperception concerning AI interviews is that they can completely replace human assessors. While AI can analyze data and deliver insights, it lacks emotional intelligence and contextual knowledge, which people have. Video interviewing software can help with the interview process and evaluate prospects, but it cannot replace a hiring manager's sophisticated judgment.

Myth 2: Video interviews are only about technology.

Another fallacy is that video interviewing software is primarily concerned with the technology involved. While the platform's capabilities are crucial, the success of a video interview is dependent on the human connection. Effective communication, rapport-building, and knowing the candidate's personality are all important aspects that technology cannot give. The human factor is critical in judging fit and potential

Myth 3: AI Can Eliminate Bias Completely

Many people feel that AI interviewing technologies can eradicate prejudice throughout the recruiting process. While AI may assist in discovering and minimizing biases by objectively examining data, it is not perfect. The algorithms themselves can be impacted by the data on which they are taught, thereby perpetuating pre-existing prejudices. Video interviewing software can help standardize processes, but human monitoring is still required to ensure fair judgments.

Myth 4: Candidates will not appreciate AI throughout the interview process.

Some believe that candidates would despise AI-powered interviews, fearing a cold and impersonal encounter. In actuality, many applicants like the convenience and flexibility that AI interview technologies offer. It is crucial, however, to strike a balance between technology and personalization. Video interviewing software may be used to produce entertaining and interactive experiences, ensuring candidates feel valued and heard throughout the process.

Myth 5: Video Interviewing Software Is Just a Trend

Finally, others believe that video interviewing software is a transitory fad. Remote work and global recruiting are here to stay, thus video interviews are an essential part of modern recruitment tactics. AI interview solutions with video capabilities are becoming important for firms seeking to recruit top talent in a competitive market.


While AI interviewing and video interviewing software have many benefits, it's important to recognize their limits. By dispelling these myths, businesses may effectively employ these technologies, combining the benefits of technology with the irreplaceable worth of human judgment. As we embrace the future of recruiting, let's make sure we employ AI and video interviewing as complementary tools that enhance the recruitment process rather than replacing the human elements.

Top comments (1)

gnanee profile image

Great article! One thing worth mentioning is that some AI interviewing tools are starting to incorporate emotional analysis and sentiment detection. However, these features aren't always accurate and can misinterpret facial expressions or tone. AI also lacks the ability to understand cultural context, which is crucial in assessing non-verbal cues or responses. This makes human oversight essential to ensure fair and accurate evaluations. Overall, AI can assist but not fully replace human judgment in interviews.