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Array Or Object In JavaScript language.

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Array or Object It is a very important topic in JS.
If you want to learn javaScript in a website, youTube, book or All facilities.. there is a subject with this name => Array and object.
And something else that should be here, is difference between these two => Array and Object.
in first we should know what is Array! and then what is Object!!

before I explain, I want to tell you some resources for learn JS.




but you should know "Books" is better than every choice for learn JS.

like "javasSript from beginner to professional" || "you don't know javaScript"

( yup, I use || for Or;) if you know..).

syntax of a Array:

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There are three points here:

  1. I use [] for write a Array.
  2. I use any name I like for Variable.
  3. I can use from var or let instead const.(but there is some rules for that, and usually we use const for write a Array.)

if you don't know what is var or let or maybe const, check here:

syntax of Object:

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and Object Points..:

  1. I use{} for write a Object.
  2. I use a variable for every item in Object.
  3. name, age, nationality its a "key" for "value" I wrote in front of it.

well, in end remember that:
name, age, etc.. its a "key"
ana, 19, etc.. its a "value"
and we say that =>
name is a key for ana and ana its a value.
=> We say in the term (key-value).

syntax for array:

const arrayName = [value1, value2,...]
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syntax for object:

const objectName = {key1 : value1, ...}
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The difference between Array And Object:

now we should let's answer to that question:
what is difference between a Array and a object?

as you can see: I wrote array with [ ] and then I wrote directly value on it.

and then I wrote object with { } and write value but after key of that value.

but the main difference between a Array and Object its index of these two.

"index" its really easy and important subject and rule for array and object in JS.

in a Array every value from first have a index and that index start with 0, and then 1 and then 2 and...n. you should know we can't change that rule for Array. but in object:

in a Object every value from first have index but that index is what we call, for example for "ana" I give "name" for index of this value.
for another value I give index I want, after that in our program we wrote and we have Object
every value in Object have index and that index its "key" we wrote for value.


index of array start with 0,1,2,...:

const array1 = ["a", "b"]
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=> index of "a" its: 0
=> index of "b" its: 1

index of object start with key1, key2,..:

const object1 = {name: "ana", age:"19"}
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=> index of "ana" its name
=> index of "19" its age

forgive me if I forget semicolon :)

The end.

Top comments (1)

anateotfw profile image

my first writing in here ;)