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André Ribeiro
André Ribeiro

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Benchmarking Deno vs Node with GraphQL

Just over 1 month ago, Deno has announced support for NPM, which means that 1.3 million new modules can be used to build a Deno application. Also, it means that a lot of people can migrate from Node to Deno, just by changing some configurations and imports.

This got me thinking about moving my application, Drakkle, to Deno, but I couldn't find any benchmarks on GraphQL, so I decided to do some simple tests.

Instead of choosing the most popular stack (Apollo Server + Express), I decided to choose the most performant: Fastify + Mercurius.


I love Typescript, but since it's a simple benchmark, Javascript seemed like a good enough choice.

Using the same example from the Mercurius documentation, an add query was created, which returns the sum of two numbers passed.

The code for Node looks like this:

import Fastify from 'fastify'
import mercurius from 'mercurius'

const app = Fastify()

const schema = `
  type Query {
    add(x: Int, y: Int): Int

const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    add: async (_, { x, y }) => x + y

app.register(mercurius, {

app.listen({ port: 3000, host: '' })
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The code for Deno was the same, except for the imports:

import Fastify from 'npm:fastify'
import mercurius from 'npm:mercurius'
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


Using autocannon, I did the following script to simulate 500 concurrent connections over 30 seconds:

npx autocannon -c 500 -d 30 -m POST --body 'query Add { add (x: 50, y: 50) }' -H 'Content-Type:application/graphql' localhost:3000/graphql
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


Stat 2.5% 50% 97.5% 99% Avg Stdev Max
Latency 48 ms 72 ms 118 ms 234 ms 75.11 ms 34.03 ms 581 ms
Stat 1% 2.5% 50% 97.5% Avg Stdev Max
Req/Sec 1209 1209 6791 8231 6622.27 1391.98 1209
Bytes/Sec 231 kB 231 kB 1.3 MB 1.57 MB 1.26 MB 266 kB 231 kB

199k requests in 30.23s, 37.9 MB read


Stat 2.5% 50% 97.5% 99% Avg Stdev Max
Latency 114 ms 155 ms 240 ms 420 ms 162.46 ms 56.72 ms 1531 ms
Stat 1% 2.5% 50% 97.5% Avg Stdev Max
Req/Sec 988 988 3169 3565 3087.8 569.88 988
Bytes/Sec 180 kB 180 kB 577 kB 649 kB 562 kB 104 kB 180 kB

93k requests in 30.36s, 16.9 MB read


As you can see, Node it's just over 2 times faster than the Deno.

To try this further, I tried to compare by creating a fork of the process for each CPU, using Node's cluster module, but this module has not yet been ported to Deno.

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