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Andrew Pillar
Andrew Pillar

Posted on • Originally published at

Working with SQL Relations in Go - Part 4

Previously, we implemented some new interfaces, and utility functions to aid in the loading and binding of the model relations. This was a much better improvement than what we had before, however we still don't have a way of defining the relations themselves in code. So far, we have heavily utilised callback functions to do most of the lifting for us. For example, the model.Bind function we implemented returns a callback that will gracefully handle binding the models we load. In this post we will look at how we can utilise callbacks to set the relations between models via code.

Fleshing out an API

Let's think about what we currently have for loading in our Post relationships, and what an ideal API for it would look like. Right now we have,

h.TagStore.Load("post_id", model.MapKey("id", p), model.Bind("id", "post_id", p))
h.UserStore.Load("id", model.MapKey("user_id", p), model.Bind("user_id", "id", p)))
h.CategoryStore.Load("id", model.MapKey("category_id", p), model.Bind("category_id", "id", p))

however I would prefer something like this,


a simple function that will take a variadic list of the Post models we have, and load in all of the possible relations for this post. This looks good, but how will this function know which loader to use in order to load which relation?

Perhaps we could pass it a map, where each key in the map is the name of the relation to load, and the value is the model.Loader to use. Then, under the hood it would simple iterate over that map, and invoke the Load method on each model.Loader available. This seems like an ideal way of doing things, so perhaps the API should look something like this,

LoadRelations(loaders, p)

This also allows us to only load in certain relations depending on which model.Loader we put in this map.

This solves one aspect of the problem, but what about actually defining the relationships the Post entity will have? Ideally I would like to have a single unexported package level variable in the post package that describes the relationships the entity has. This could then be used to figure out how the model binding will occur, something like,

relations = map[string][]string{
    "user:      []string{"user_id", "id"},
    "category": []string{"category_id", "id"},
    "tag":      []string{"id", "post_id"},

here you can see we simply describe each relation via the related keys in each model. The Post entity is related to the User entity via user_id, the Category entity is related via category_id, and the Tag entity is related via the id on the Post entity.

So, a possible implementation of this API could look something like this,

func LoadRelations(loaders map[string]model.Loader, pp ...*Post) error {
    mm := make([]model.Model, 0, len(pp))

    for _, p := range pp {
        mm = append(mm, p)

    for relation, keys := range relations {
        l := loaders[relation]
        err := l.Load(keys[1], model.MapKey(keys[0], mm...), model.Bind(keys[0], keys[1], mm...))

        if err != nil {
            return err
    return nil

This looks ok, but not great. Sure this will work for the Post entity, but what about the other entities in our blogging application? Also the way we specify the relations isn't all that descriptive, this could definitely be improved upon quite a bit.

Implementing the API

So we've fleshed out the idea behind the API, and looked at one possible implementation. Now let's go about implementing it. First we would ideally want to utilise the model.Model interface as much as we can so save ourselves from repeating too much code. Also, we want the API for specifying the entity relations to be more descriptive than they currently are. So with these things in mind let's go ahead an implement some utility functions in the model package for handling relationships,

// model/model.go
type RelationFunc func(Loader, ...Model) error
func Relation(a, b string) RelationFunc {
    return func(l Loader, mm ...Model) error {
        return l.Load(b, MapKey(a, mm...), Bind(a, b, mm...))

func LoadRelations(relations map[string]RelationFunc, loaders map[string]Loader, mm ...Model) error {
    for relation, fn := range relations {
        if err := fn(loaders[relation], mm...); err != nil {
            return err
    return nil

Now let's implement the actual relationship logic for the Post entity,

// post/post.go
relations = map[string]model.RelationFunc{
    "user":     model.Relation("user_id", "id"),
    "category": model.Relation("category_id", "id"),
    "tag":      model.Relation("id", "post_id"),
func LoadRelations(loaders map[string]model.Loader, pp ...*Post) error {
    mm := make([]model.Model, 0, len(pp))

    for _, p := range pp {
        mm = append(mm, p)
    return model.LoadRelations(relations, loaders, mm...)

What we've done here looks confusing at first, since we are returning a bunch of callbacks which are then invoked later on, so let me explain.

First, we defined, and implemented the Relation function in the model package. This function takes the two keys which cause the relationship to exist between two models, whether that relation be one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-one. The Relation function will return a callback that expects a model.Loader, and a variadic list of model.Model interfaces. This callback will take the two keys specified, a and b, and use them to invoke the Load method on the given model.Loader, as you can see below.

return l.Load(b, MapKey(a, mm...) Bind(a, b, mm...))

The next function we implemented was the LoadRelations function in the model package. This differs from the one in the post package, as it takes a map of RelationFunc types as the first argument, then the map of loaders, and finally the variadic list of model.Model interfaces. This function will iterate over the given RelationFunc map, and invoke the callback, passing through the corresponding loader from the loaders map.

for relation, fn := range relations {
    if err := fn(loaders[relation], mm...); err != nil {
        return err

This then all comes together in the post package when we implement the post.LoadRelations function. Here, we actually passthrough the top-level relations variable we defined to the model.LoadRelations function. Then, we passthrough whatever loaders we were given, and convert the variadic list of Post structs into a slice of model.Model interfaces.

So with this API in place we should be able to refactor the Show method on our Post handler.

// post/handler.go
type Handler struct {
    Posts   Store
    Loaders map[string]model.Loader
func (h Handler) Show(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    id, err := strconv.ParseInt(mux.Vars(r)["post"], 10, 64)

    if err != nil {
        // handle error

    p, err := h.Posts.Get(query.Where("id", "=", id))

    if err != nil {
        // handle error

    if p.IsZero() {
        // handle not found

    if err := LoadRelations(h.Loaders, p); err != nil {
        // handle error
    w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
func RegisterRoutes(db *sqlx.DB, r *mux.Router) {
    h := Handler{
        Posts:   NewStore(db),
        Loaders: map[string]model.Loader{
            "user":     user.NewStore(db),
            "category": category.NewStore(db),
            "tag":      NewTagStore(db),

This is much better than what we had before.

Utilising the Binder Interface

In the last post we implemented the model.Binder interface as a standalone type. I did this so we could have entity stores implement the interface. Our current implementation allows for models to be bound to each other, however it would also be beneficial to have models bound to stores too.

For example, we have a post.Store type, well if we wanted to query all of the posts by a certain category we'd current have to do something like this,

NewPostStore(db).All(query.Where("category_id", "=", c.ID))

this is fine, however I would personally prefer it if this was done implicility. Let's assume for a moment that the post.Store type does implement the model.Binder interface, then we could do something like this to get all of the posts for a certain category,

posts := NewPostStore(db)


so let's go ahead and implement this.

// post/post.go
type Store struct {

    Category *category.Category
func (s *Store) Bind(mm ...model.Model) {
    for _, m := range mm {
        switch m.(type) {
        case *category.Category:
            s.Category = m.(*category.Category)

func (s Store) All(opts ...query.Option) ([]*Post, error) {
    pp := make([]*Post, 0)

    opts = append([]query.Option{
        model.Where(s.Category, "category_id"),
    }, opts...)

    err := s.Store.All(&pp, table, opts...)
    return pp, err

In the above implementation we simply set the store's Category field to the given model if it can be asserted to a *category.Category. Then, in the All method we update the implementation to prepend a new query option to the slice of given query options.

You will notice however that the model.Where query option isn't actually something we have implemented, so let's go ahead and do that. Like with the other query options we've implemented, we should make it play nice with zero-values.

// model/model.go
func Where(m Model, args ...string) query.Option {
    return func(q query.Query) query.Query {
        if len(args) < 1 || m == nil || m.IsZero() {
            return q

        var val interface{}

        col := args[0]

        if len(args) > 1 {
            val = m.Values()[args[1]]
        } else {
            _, val = m.Primary()
        return query.Where(col, "=", val)(q)

With the implementation of the model.Where function we specify a variadic list of string arguments. If only one argument is given then it will return a WHERE clause on that given column, for example,

model.Where(s.Category, "category_id")

would return an SQL equivalent of,

WHERE (category_id = ?)

where ? is the primary key of the model by default. If you wish to use another value from the model to perform the WHERE clause with, then simply specify a second argument to the variadic list like so.

model.Where(s.Category, "category_id", "root_id")

So we have it implemented, however I'd also like to change the implementation of the post.NewStore function to accomodate this change. It would be handy if we could passthrough a variadic list of model.Model interfaces during creation of a store that would automatically be bound to the returned store. Lets' go ahead and do that,

// post/post.go
func NewStore(db *sqlx.DB, mm ...model.Model) Store {
s := Store{
Store: model.Store{DB: db},
return s


We're starting to approach the end of this series of posts, and I hope that some of the ideas presented throughout are starting to make sense. The end goal here is to implement a relationship handling system that will make working with SQL relationships in Go feel as idiomatic as possible.

In the next post I intend on finishing up the implementation of the blogging application I've been using to demonstrate these ideas, and justifying how I came about the implementations I've been using. I also intend on uploading the source code of this toy blogging application so that you can get a feel as to how this would all fit together. If you've been keen eyed then you should have noticed some flaws in the design of this blogging application, something that I too will address in the next post.

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