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Andy Haskell
Andy Haskell

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Processing user input in Bubble Tea with a menu component

In the last tutorial, we did a "hello world" app, and it processed just a bit of user input ("press Ctrl+C to exit").

But we didn't really get a feel for actually using user input to change the model's data, and in turn change what we see in the app. So in this tutorial, we're going to create a menu component that lets us move between buttons.

šŸ“ Defining our data

The first thing we need for any Bubble Tea component is the data our model is in charge of. If you recall, in our simplePage model, the data was just the text we were displaying:

type simplePage struct { text string }

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In our menu, what we need to do is:

  • Display our options
  • Show which option is selected
  • Additionally, let the user press the enter to go to another page. But we'll add that in a later tutorial.
    • For now, we can still make an onPress function passed in that tells us what we do if the user presses enter.

So our model's data will look like this; if you're following along, write this in a file named menu.go.

type menu struct {
    options       []menuItem
    selectedIndex int

type menuItem struct {
    text    string
    onPress func() tea.Msg

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A menu is made up of menuItems, and each menuItem has text and a function handling pressing enter. In this tutorial we'll just have the app toggle between all-caps and all-lowercase so it's at least doing something.

It returns a tea.Msg because that's we're able to change the data in response to this user input. We'll see why in the next section, when we're implementing the Model interface.

šŸ§‹ Implementing the Model interface

If you recall, for us to use our model as a UI component, it needs to implement this interface:

type Model interface {
    Init() Cmd
    Update(msg Msg) (Model, Cmd)
    View() string

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First let's write the Init function.

func (m menu) Init() tea.Cmd { return nil }

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Again, we still don't have any initial Cmd we need to run, so we can just return nil.

For the View function, let's make an old-school menu with an arrow to tell us which item is currently selected.

func (m menu) View() string {
    var options []string
    for i, o := range m.options {
        if i == m.selectedIndex {
            options = append(options, fmt.Sprintf("-> %s", o.text))
        } else {
            options = append(options, fmt.Sprintf("   %s", o.text))
    return fmt.Sprintf(`%s

Press enter/return to select a list item, arrow keys to move, or Ctrl+C to exit.`,
    strings.Join(options, "\n"))

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As mentioned in the last tutorial, one of the things that makes Bubble Tea really learnable is that the display for your UI is basically one big string. So in menu.View we make a slice of strings where the selected option has an arrow and the non-selected options have leading spaces. Then we join them all together and add our contols to the bottom.

Finally, let's write our Update method to handle user input.

func (m menu) Update(msg tea.Msg) (tea.Model, tea.Cmd) {
    switch msg.(type) {
    case tea.KeyMsg:
        switch msg.(tea.KeyMsg).String() {
        case "ctrl+c":
            return m, tea.Quit
        case "down", "right", "up", "left":
            return m.moveCursor(msg.(tea.KeyMsg)), nil
    return m, nil

func (m menu) moveCursor(msg tea.KeyMsg) menu {
    switch msg.String() {
    case "up", "left":
    case "down", "right":
        // do nothing

    optCount := len(m.options)
    m.selectedIndex = (m.selectedIndex + optCount) % optCount
    return m

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The Update method is the most complex part of this app, so let's break that down.

case "ctrl+c":
    return m, tea.Quit

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Like before, we're handling the KeyMsg type, and we're the Ctrl+C keypress to quit the app by returning the Quit cmd.

case "down", "right", "up", "left":
    return m.moveCursor(msg.(tea.KeyMsg)), nil

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For the arrow keys, though, we use a helper function, moveCursor, which returns an updated model.

func (m menu) moveCursor(msg tea.KeyMsg) menu {
    switch msg.String() {
    case "up", "left":
    case "down", "right":
        // do nothing

    optCount := len(m.options)
    m.selectedIndex = (m.selectedIndex + optCount) % optCount
    return m

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The up and left KeyMsg strings serve as our "navigate up" keys, and the down and right ones navigate us down, decrementing and incrementing m.selected.

Then, we use the mod operator to ensure that m.selected is one of the indices of our options.

Finally, with the model updated, moveCursor returns the model that in turn is returned by Update, and the new model ultimately gets processed by our View method.

Before we move on to processing the enter key though, we should see our app run. So let's put our new menu component into a main function and run it.

func main() {
    m := menu{
        options: []menuItem{
                text: "new check-in",
                onPress: func() tea.Msg { return struct{}{} },
                text: "view check-ins",
                onPress: func() tea.Msg { return struct{}{} },

    p := tea.NewProgram(m)
    if err := p.Start(); err != nil {

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For now, onPress is just a no-op that returns an empty struct. Now, let's run our app.

go build

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You should see something like this:

List of options you can select, with an arrow pointed to the selected one, and instructions at the bottom

Cool! Now the menu can toggle what's selected! Now let's handle that user input.

āœ… Handling the enter key and seeing what the tea.Cmd type actually does

So far, we haven't really taken a close look at the tea.Cmd type. It's one of the two return values for the Update method, but we've only used it so far to exit the app. Let's take a closer look at its type signature.

type Cmd func() tea.Msg

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A Cmd is some sort of function that does some stuff, and then gives us back a tea.Msg. That function can be time passing, it can be I/O like retrieving some data, really anything goes! The tea.Msg in turn gets used by our Update function to update our model and finally our view.

So handling a user pressing the enter key, and then running an arbitrary onPress function, is one such way to use a Cmd. So let's start with an enter button handler.

  case tea.KeyMsg:
      switch msg.(tea.KeyMsg).String() {
      case "q":
          return m, tea.Quit
      case "down", "right", "up", "left":
          return m.moveCursor(msg.(tea.KeyMsg)), nil
+     case "enter", "return":
+         return m, m.options[m.selectedIndex].onPress

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Notice that when the user presses enter, we return the model, unchanged, but we also return the selected item's onPress function. If you recall when we defined the menuItem type, the type of its onPress field was func() tea.Msg. In other words, that exactly matches the Cmd type alias!

There's one other thing we need to do inside the Update method though. Right now, we're only handling the tea.KeyMsg type. The type we're returning for toggling the selected item's capitalization will be a brand new type ot tea.Msg, so we need to define it, and then add a case to our Update method for it. First, let's define the struct.

type toggleCasingMsg struct{}

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We don't need any data to be passed in, so our Msg is just an empty struct; if you recall, the tea.Msg type is just an empty interface, so we can have a Msg contain as much or as little data as we need.

Now back in the Update method, let's add a case for toggleCasingMsg!

First add the method toggleSelectedItemCase

func (m menu) toggleSelectedItemCase() tea.Model {
    selectedText := m.options[m.selectedIndex].text
    if selectedText == strings.ToUpper(selectedText) {
        m.options[m.selectedIndex].text = strings.ToLower(selectedText)
    } else {
        m.options[m.selectedIndex].text = strings.ToUpper(selectedText)
    return m

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Then add it to the Update method.

  func (m menu) Update(msg tea.Msg) (tea.Model, tea.Cmd) {
      switch msg.(type) {
+     case toggleCasingMsg:
+         return m.toggleSelectedItemCase(), nil
      case tea.KeyMsg:
          // our KeyMsg handlers here

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On a toggleCasingMsg, we update the casing of the selected menu item, and then return the updated model.

Finally, in app.go, let's use our toggleCasingMsg

      text:    "new check-in",
-     onPress: func() tea.Msg { return struct{}{} },
+     onPress: func() tea.Msg { return toggleCasingMsg{} },
      text:    "view check-ins",
-     onPress: func() tea.Msg { return struct{}{} },
+     onPress: func() tea.Msg { return toggleCasingMsg{} },

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Now let's try our app out!

go build

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The app should now look like this:

List of options you can select, with an arrow pointed to the selected one that's now in all caps because the user had pressed enter, and instructions at the bottom

Note, by the way, that at this stage of the app, this isn't the only way we could have processed enter; we also could have just processed all the toggling entirely in the update function, rather than having to process it with a Cmd. The reason I chose to use a Cmd were:

  • To show a simple use case for a non-Quit Cmd in Bubble Tea
  • By using a Cmd, we can pass arbitrary event handler functions into our components, a similar pattern if you've coded in React.

Next up, we've got a menu, but it's not very flashy just yet. In the next tutorial, we'll see how to use Bubble Tea to make our app look cool; first by hand, then with Bubble Tea's CSS-like Lip Gloss package!

Retry later

Top comments (3)

raguay profile image
Richard Guay ā€¢

Great tutorial!

richard_jones_673b682a3e5 profile image
Richard Jones ā€¢

Great tutorial!

Are you still planning the routing tutorial, or any tips if not?

filbunke__faef9837ac10fb5 profile image
Filbunke ā€¢

Are you going this finish this series of posts? I would love to read the remaining ones šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ great work!

Retry later