I’ve been tinkering with Rust for about a month now. So far, I really like it. I do Ruby during the day, so it’s a pretty big, and nice, change of pace.
I went into a rabbit hole of interpreters implementation with craftinginterpreters.com. And inside it I felm into the deeper rabbit hole of implementing malloc()! Fascinating stuff 😊
I am a software development engineer in test for Infosys. My job is officially to write automated tests in Selenium Webdriver. I'm also a web developer as a hobbyest
I have a few pages worth of a programming language idea written in mark down. Maybe I'll go play with this site and eventually implement that language.
Side note, it's an amalgamation of Java and Typescript with some Pythonesque details thrown in (: But I know little about writing compilers/interpreters and nothing about writing assembly so it'll be years if I ever actually make the dumb thing.
Hey Jonathan! I believe you would love to check the link I've posted! It is a free book on how to implement interpreters. It's deep and yet clear, I guess you'd love it then!
I am going to use Svelte svelte.dev/ on my next web project, and it have been really fun to learn. Long time since I’ve had so much joy in programming. I write this since I normally develop backend solutions in C#.
I played around with Flutter and liked it. I that it wasn’t quite mature enough for my use cases at the time, but I’m excited to give it another spin sometime.
I just managed to get up and running with a "Hello World" Cocoa app. Now time to buckle down and get my learn on with some tutorials and then code an app that will be useful for front end web developers in MacOS. All the Apple Developer tutorials are focused on iOS though 🤷♂️. It may take me the entire summer working on it off and on in between other projects to get it right, but hopefully by the time of 10.15 release I'll have my first app deployed to the App Store!
Java Web Developer with a passion for Spring and cloud computing. Know a thing or two about AWS. Trying to learn NodeJS lately with the help of TypeScript.
Machine Learning with Scikit Learn and learning Numpy/Pandas. It's nice to hack in Python rather than Ruby (day job) and JavaScript (other side projects).
Top comments (14)
I’ve been tinkering with Rust for about a month now. So far, I really like it. I do Ruby during the day, so it’s a pretty big, and nice, change of pace.
I went into a rabbit hole of interpreters implementation with craftinginterpreters.com. And inside it I felm into the deeper rabbit hole of implementing
! Fascinating stuff 😊I have a few pages worth of a programming language idea written in mark down. Maybe I'll go play with this site and eventually implement that language.
Side note, it's an amalgamation of Java and Typescript with some Pythonesque details thrown in (: But I know little about writing compilers/interpreters and nothing about writing assembly so it'll be years if I ever actually make the dumb thing.
Hey Jonathan! I believe you would love to check the link I've posted! It is a free book on how to implement interpreters. It's deep and yet clear, I guess you'd love it then!
I am going to use Svelte svelte.dev/ on my next web project, and it have been really fun to learn. Long time since I’ve had so much joy in programming. I write this since I normally develop backend solutions in C#.
I played around with Flutter and liked it. I that it wasn’t quite mature enough for my use cases at the time, but I’m excited to give it another spin sometime.
I just managed to get up and running with a "Hello World" Cocoa app. Now time to buckle down and get my learn on with some tutorials and then code an app that will be useful for front end web developers in MacOS. All the Apple Developer tutorials are focused on iOS though 🤷♂️. It may take me the entire summer working on it off and on in between other projects to get it right, but hopefully by the time of 10.15 release I'll have my first app deployed to the App Store!
I have been excited about everything related to NodeJS, principally Nest, TypeScript and React Native.
Machine Learning with Scikit Learn and learning Numpy/Pandas. It's nice to hack in Python rather than Ruby (day job) and JavaScript (other side projects).
I'm curious about ML/AI too! Also picking up the underlying linear algebra for it, and really think computer vision would be cool
I'm learning to make Kotlin-based applications outside the Android domain :)
I'm excited to try web assembly. Probably with Rust. Which are both going to be pretty new compared to my normal full stack JS
As a full-stack C# dev, I've been tinkering with F# for the past few weeks and I love it.
Pentesting and it's tools both software and hardware!