DEV Community

Animesh Dwivedi
Animesh Dwivedi

Posted on

Can someone suggest me some nodejs packages or workarounds that can convert natural language queries into mongodb queries.

I'm building a simple full stack application that takes user input and convert it into MongoDB query and then give the query output to user.
What I have tried:
I have found nlp.js package that can be used with Nodejs but I want some more options to be available so that I can experiment with them as well.

Top comments (3)

hendrikras profile image
Hendrik Ras

you could try using the openAI api in node, similiar to what is being done here

animesh_dwivedi_dd53dfbfd profile image
Animesh Dwivedi

Thanks for the reply but I have already came across this repository .The main issue is OpenAI API is not available for free use for testing purposes.

hendrikras profile image
Hendrik Ras

Do you have a good GPU?
Try running mistral on your desktop and see if that works.