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Anish Khadtare
Anish Khadtare

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Which programming language should I start with Python / Java / C++?

No language is better than any other language it is based on one's use case which programming one should start with.


If one is new to programming and if he wants to start his programming journey he should start it with Python language. As Python is easy to use and its syntax is like the English language it will be easy to master it.

Python has tons of different libraries like Numpy, Pandas, TensorFlow, PyTorch etc which are heavily used in Data Science, Machine Learning, and AI.

So if one wants to go into these fields or wants to become a Python developer then Python would be the best language to start with.

But if one has to go for competitive programming then Python may not be a great language as it is considered as a slow language.


If one wants to go into core competitive programming then C++ would be the best language to be selected as it is faster than many other languages. As C++ is a core language it is easier to move from C++ to Python but it would be more challenging to do vice versa.

In C++ one has to implement all the things from scratch as compared to Python but it makes our base stronger.

For a newbie, C++ may be more challenging to start with due to its syntax but in the longer run it is going to be easier to switch to any language.


Java act as a mediator between C++ and Python. Java can be used even for competitive programming as well as for projects in Android development and Web development.

The demand for Java is also increasing day by day and mastering it also also easy as compared to C++. The concepts like pointers get reduced from Java which we would have to learn in C++.


So to conclude no language is better than any other language it's just based on the use case one should select it and start his programming.

As it is important to choose any one language and master it.

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