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Adios Redux: using React hooks and Context effectively

Ankit Jena on April 26, 2020

It's 2020 and React is still the most popular frontend framework in the world. It's not just because it's relatively simpler. The fact that it ke...
mariorozic profile image
Mario Rozic

So let's say I have 3 reducers (providers) and 2 UI components, I have to wrap every single component for 3 times (3 providers) if I want to use all stores in these components?

             <Component 1 />
             <Component 2 />

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What happens if I wrap both components together? I mean is that the right way to do it? Are there any performance issues or something?

             <Component 1 />
             <Component 2 />
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

ROFL as I was writing this I actually figure out how great this is, I still wanna post this tho 😅😅, let's assume I only want to use providers 1 and 2 in comp1, I just have to move Component1 by 1 line up, there is no need to wrap it in provider3 if it won't use any features from it.

This provider actually acts like that connect function from redux right?

Great article BTW, I didn't really have time to test hooks until now, and I am glad I did now, and run into this post it was really helpful!!

ankitjey profile image
Ankit Jena

Hey Mario,
Sorry for the late reply. You don't have to wrap all the components separately. Also yes there's no need to wrap the 3rd component. The provider is similar to connect function, in Redux we generally combine the reducers.

melitus profile image
Aroh Sunday

Hey Ankit,

Thanks for your response to the above question by Mario. What is the best way to wrap the without incurring performance issues? Thanks

ignacio_sm profile image

Thanks for the article, it's great. But FYI, the word 'ciao' is in Italian, and it means both 'hello' as well as 'goodbye'. On the other hand, the word 'chau', is in Spanish, and it means only 'goodbye', which would be more appropriate in this context :)

ankitjey profile image
Ankit Jena

Ah, thanks for the info mate. Today years old. Always thought ciao meant "Goodbye". Will update it.

ignacio_sm profile image
Ignacio San Martin

You were almost right, in Spanish it does. Chau = Adios = Goodbye. Chau more coloquial, adios slightly more formal...both used extensively.

Thank you for the great article. Cheers.

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ankitjey profile image
Ankit Jena

Glad it helped. PS. For some reason "Chau" did not sound good in my head. So went with Adios :D

swayamsvk profile image
Swayam Samyak Debasis

That was nice. Actually my question is I have tried to learn redux and found it tough as you have mentioned above. I was planning to give it one more shot. In your opinion should I completely ditch it or continue it and learn it on a fundamental level to at least have an idea.

ankitjey profile image
Ankit Jena

The useReducer hook is actually a simpler way to understand Redux. If you understand that then you should understand Redux as well. Learning the fundamentals will help because this pattern is used a lot. Here's a good piece you can read

swayamsvk profile image
Swayam Samyak Debasis


jdnichollsc profile image
J.D Nicholls

I started a global state using hooks and I came to the same solution! haha thanks for sharing, the only missing step was React.useMemo, very interesting! ❤️

jdnichollsc profile image
J.D Nicholls

Ankit, what do you think creating a npm package for this?

ankitjey profile image
Ankit Jena

I think there's a package called unstated-next which is really good for sharing custom hooks

varoman profile image
varo manukyan

This article seems to be underrated, amigo :)
Thank you!

ankitjey profile image
Ankit Jena

You are welcome. :D

jonasiri profile image

Awesome write-up! Really well explained. Looking forward to the react-query one as well as it's also something I'm figuring out how to use!

alsmith808 profile image
Alan Smith

Thank you Ankit, will be sure to try this workflow!

thacherhussain profile image
Thacher Hussain

Thanks! This really helped 🙂

mcabreradev profile image
Miguelángel Cabrera

Awesome.. this post help me a lot..! thanks