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Failover Architecture on AWS(Part 4/4)

Finally, we are here in the last part of this article. Please make sure that you read 3 previous parts and then continue to read this one.
In 3 last parts (part 1/4, part 2/4, part 3/4), we got an SSL certificate using Certificate Manager, configured load balancer, launch templates and an auto-scaling group. The last step is to attach the DNS name of the load balancer to our domain name in Route53.

So navigate to Route53 and then click to your domain and then hit “Create Record set”, create the subdomain or leave just domain itself depends on what kind of an SSL certificate you own. Now, we need to choose our load balancer Alias, hit “Yes” near to “Alias” and in “Alias Target” chose your load balancer it will something like “dualstack…” and then hit “Create”. In the end you must have something like this:

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Finally, you can type your domain into a web-browser ( search bar and see how load balancer works. You can clearly see which server the load balancer will send you to.

Remember, all these configurations in Route53 may take several minutes to be "Live" on Internet, do not rush to be upset if your site is not working yet.

In my example web-pages will look like this:

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As we can see load balancer works well and our connection is secured.
In the end of it all we have built a high availability production environment. All these will make us sure that our service will always on, auto-scaling group will be guarantor of our confidence.
This was the easiest way to configure failover architecture on AWS.

Here in Appus Studio we have several solutions for building a more complex and extensive configuration depends on how cool and large the project is.

I hope that I helped you figure out some points. Thanks for following me in the last four parts!

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