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"Go Corona Go", Artificial Intelligence puts an end to your show

“AI and high tech, in general, have gotten something of a bad rap recently, but this crisis shows how AI can potentially do a world of good.”
-Oren Etzioni, CEO of Seattle’s Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2) and a University of Washington computer science professor.

CoronaVirus, soon as you hear this word chills go down your spine and your feel fear-stricken. The whole world is at a halt for quite some time now. People all over the world are experiencing an indefinite lockdown. Whether be it corporate offices or religious places, from sports events to schools and universities, it has terrorized people to such an extent that stepping out of their homes seems like challenging death.

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Though the number of people tested positive or died is extremely higher than those presented by various authorities across the globe.   

Often we see debates about how technological advancements aren’t beneficial for humanity as it will eat up jobs and all the other reasons. But, technology can save your lives as well. Yes, you read that right.

During this extreme crisis situation, technology has possibly emerged as humanity’s biggest savior. There are advancements in Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Machine Learning happening almost everywhere in the world to fight this horrific pandemic. 

'Coz AI can save your career as well

And there’s seems to be some ray of hope as well. Authorities from different regions of the world are claiming that they have been successful to some extent in fighting out this disease courtesy to all these latest technologies.


  • The Alibaba Group’s DAMO Academy, an institute for research and innovation, has developed an AI-enabled system that can diagnose COVID-19 in just 20 seconds with 96% accuracy.
  • Tech companies in China are analyzing passenger flight information with other cases such as in Guangzhou where AI robots are reminding people to wear masks for disease prevention. 



Artificial Intelligence, ‘Coz every cloud has a silver lining

Artificial intelligence has majorly been in the spotlight for all the negative effects. There are often concerns about the threats AI causes to the security and privacy of people’s data. But amidst this horrific outbreak, Artificial Intelligence seems to be the biggest hope for all the scientific institutes and companies around the world to have a positive impact instead. 

AI would surely have the biggest positive impact in our fight against this global pandemic. AI can help in efficient analytics and can integrate travel, population and disease data to predict where and how quickly disease might spread. 

Machine Learning is transforming our lives

Additionally, AI can boost the application of current treatment and accelerate the time it takes to develop new treatments. Radiologists in some parts of the world are using AI, Deep Learning and Machine Learning systems that tend to learn from experience with large data sets to make enhanced treatment decisions based on medical imaging. 

For example, data from chest X-rays of coronavirus patients could serve as input for AI models so that physicians can make quick diagnoses. Concerning new treatments, creating vaccines for newly discovered viruses is a difficult and time-consuming process that is laden with trial and error. 

There’s an initiative that has been built on AI2’s Semantic Scholar project, uses AI and natural language processing to analyze scientific papers about coronavirus, including the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19. The goal is to help researchers better analyze and understand a growing set of scholarly articles about coronavirus. 

The White House announced the initiative along with a coalition that includes AI2, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, Georgetown University’s Center for Security and Emerging Technology, Microsoft Research, the National Library of Medicine, and Kaggle, the Machine Learning and Data Science community owned by Google.

AI and Big Data Analytics - A joint force against Corona Virus

Through the predictive analysis of Big Data, researchers are able to find solutions to deal with this deadly disease. BlueDot, an AI-based startup, through the analysis of Big Data has developed an artificially intelligent system that can efficiently determine the chances of occurrence of this disease among people. This system is amongst one of the latest advancements that will surely help to map and prevent this disease. 

Why is Big Data Analytics crucial?

What makes BlueDot so interesting is that it predicted the SARS pandemic which later turned out to be true. Its constant alerts on CoronaVirus back in December 2019 perfectly depict the competence of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning are possibly the most powerful tools for BlueDot as it successfully predicts and detects diseases across the globe. Nevertheless, the AI technology at BlueDot saves time and resources by empowering health professionals with information on prevention measures.

GIS, taking away your stress

GIS, an acronym for Geographical Information System, is another crucial tool for fighting against CoronaVirus. John Hopkins University is the front runner in deploying this technology against this global pandemic. 

Get your career out of crisis with Data Science

Big Data Analytics and Data Mining are two critical aspects of this technology. Using it, the university has been able to create a GIS dashboard that shows all the cases of the Corona Virus around the world. Through the analyses of the data collected from various sources such as social media sites, this technology efficiently maps the areas where there are higher chances of people getting tested positive of this disease. Thus precautionary as well as preventive measures are instantly suggested to the people living in those areas. 

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A decade ago, it was hard to track diseases, but now with the advancements of technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science, Big Data, and much more, it’s much easier and powerful to do it. The bottom line is that prevention response is much quicker these days. 

Big Data and Healthcare - The Perfect Match

Thanks to all these latest technologies.

We will win...

In this time of hardship that humanity is facing currently, the latest technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Machine Learning, Big Data, and much more, emerged out as our biggest savior against all odds. Though there are always been talks about how these latest technologies will have adverse effects, it is now that we have to keep aside the negatives and understand its importance as well. 

Latest Technologies at your fingertips

Not only the technology but we people have to give our equal efforts towards this battle. All we need to do is not to panic at all. Just keep taking the preventing measures and be a bit extra cautious about everything.

The world is at war with a hidden enemy. WE WILL WIN!

Be Safe!!

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