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The Essence of Java Programming

"Java isn't platform independent, Java itself is a Platform."

For all the people from the IT world and a lot of people from the non-IT sector as well, the one programming language that they are surely perceived of is JAVA. Java, a programming language that hasn't lost its fame over the course of time and have always stood out even after so many advancements in the IT world.

And believe me, Learning Java is still worth it.

What makes Java still an in-demand programming language are its unbeatable features. Java is still widely used by a majority of Fortune 500 companies for various purposes. Java is suited for development in major areas such as Building Android apps, Java web applications, Software tools, Scientific applications, Big Data and Hadoop.

Are you already a programmer?
If YES, then these projects will surely challenge your diligence. 


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Learning Java is a bit long process due to the versatility it offers. And every learning process starts with the basics. If you crave for becoming a Top Java Programmer, then these are the concepts you must know by heart.


A class is Java is a basic concept of OOP and is a fundamental building block for developing any Java application. A class is the collection of objects. A class contains properties and methods to define the state and behavior of its object. We can say that class is a blueprint or template of an object. We can control the access of our class form the users by providing the access specifiers in our class while declaring it.

'Coz you must know about Java's Class


An operator in Java is used to denote the operations between two operands(variables or values). Java provides an extensive set of operations to manipulate the variables and values. Without an operand, no operation can be performed!! A simple assignment of value needs an assignment operator i.e ‘=’ operator.

Time to be better with Java's operator


Loops in Java are the iterative statements that allow a set of instructions to be performed repeatedly until a certain condition is fulfilled. Loop helps to enhance the efficiency of a Java code. When you need to perform a certain task repeatedly for 'n' number of times then we can use the loops in Java where 'n' can only be a whole number.

You cannot be a top Java troop without its loop

Currently, about 3,000,000,000 mobile phones are working in Java, as well as 125,000,000 TV sets and each Blu-Ray player.


Strings are one of the most common and widely used classes in Java programming. A String is an array of characters. A String in Java is not a primitive data type; instead, it is an object of class String. This String class contains several methods to create and manipulate the strings.

Take a swing with Java's String


An array is a kind of data structure that is mainly used when we need to perform operations and manipulations on a huge number of data elements. For example, an array to store the roll numbers of 100 students. An array can be single-dimensional or multi-dimensional. But, the most widely used arrays are 1-D and 2-D arrays.

'Coz you can slay with Java's Array


A method or function in Java is a block of code that performs a particular task or action. The main() method in Java acts as an entry point of the class. Whenever the code gets executed, the control firstly goes to the main() method. 

Get in line with Java's method

A method or a function helps a programmer in eradicating the problem of rewriting the same block of code multiple times. It can be called anytime and anywhere and helps to increase code reusability. You can call the method as many times as you want to call it without writing the same code of the method repeatedly. 


Inheritance is another pearl in the ocean of Object-Oriented Programming in Java. Inheritance is a way to acquire parent-child relationships between different classes.

Java's elegance lies in its Inheritance

The child class or the derived class by extending its parent class can inherit all the properties of its parent class without writing the same code of the parent class. The gap between these super and subclasses can be filled by using the extends keyword. 


When this concept is applied to Java, then it describes an entity to behave in different ways inside the same class, based on the input provided to them.

In Java, there are two kinds of polymorphism- Static or compile-time and dynamic or run-time polymorphism. Both of them can be achieved through different techniques. 

Knowing polymorphism inside out


Abstraction is one of the fundamental features of object-oriented programming (OOP) languages. It is used to hide the complex details from the users, reducing the complexity of the application. It can be majorly seen in the real-life. Suppose, you are using a refrigerator, you just need to put the food inside it. You don’t need to know is how the refrigerator is working internally to freeze the food.

All you need to know about Abstraction in Java


Encapsulation is one of the core Object-oriented concepts in Java.Encapsulation can also be called “information or data hiding” as it is also a way to hide details of the internal representation of an object from the outside world.

'Coz privacy of Data is crucial

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 It also helps to avoid the entry of invalid data to the object i.e object remains in the safe state. This is called information hiding. 

Wrapping it Up...

Once you're well acquainted with all of these concepts, you will find yourself in the right direction of gaining excellence in Java programming. But, its not as easy as it sounds. To achieve the same, all you have to do is remember 3 important things - Practice, practice, and practice.

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