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Abdulwasiu Abdulmuize
Abdulwasiu Abdulmuize

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My Goals and Plans for the 8 weeks of the HNGi8 Internship. LET'S GO

Goal - Napoleon

Why I Enrolled For the Internship

I applied for HNG internship because I heard about how intense it was. I'm really just looking to learn a lot.

I've always yearned for a hands-on learning opportunity, and I believe this will provide me with "experience." It may be argued that it is a necessary method of learning rather than being informed overtly.

Enough with the blah blah blah blah blah paragraph Let's discuss the HNG internship.

What is HNG internship

The HNG internship is a program that aims to alter Africa's educational system. Its goal is to bridge the gap between coding and world-class performance. The HNG internship's main goal is to assist those who desire to start a career in technology but are limited by distance. The HNG internship is designed in such a way that it can accommodate you regardless of your background.

My Goals for HNGi8 internship include the following:

  • I am so looking forward to engaging in the weekly tasks that are more focused on real-world experiences.

  • Learn and grow my skillsets in Web programming.

  • Build awesome relationships with team mates and mentors.

On the bright side, I'll provide some courses that will be useful along this adventure. You might require those as well :)

Modern JavaScript Tutorial

The Figma 2021 Crash Course by Example

Git and Github
Git Tutorial for Beginners - Git & GitHub Fundamentals In Depth

You can visit the Zuri Website to learn more about their internships.

And that brings us to the end of this article. I hope everything goes well and till next time.

P.S: This blog post is part of the entry project to advance into level 1 of the HNG Internship program.

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