DEV Community

Cover image for ArJd-Live
Archan Banerjee
Archan Banerjee

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To visit ArJd-Live click here

Demo video click here

Developed By:

Jaydip Dey

Archan Banerjee

## Old Features:
✅ Users can create their own room as well as share link of their rooms.

✅ All the users in a particular room can update the same code simultaneously at the same time.

✅ If anyone of the room member runs the code, the input and the output will be visible to all the members of that room.

✅ The code snippets on changing the language are updated in real time. Any room can be accessed anytime with the URL or the room ID of that particular room, and can always get and modify the last updated code.

✅ Supports 7 programming languages including C, C++, Java, Python etc.

✅ Users can select themes (github, monokai etc.) according to their choices .

✅ They can also choose the font size.

## New Features:

✅ Users can convert image to code.

✅ Users can upload any code.

✅ Users can download the code they've written.

How to run locally

➡️ Clone the repository

➡️ Create a config.env file and add MONGO_URI and PORT with your own credentials.

➡️Run npm install both inside the client folder and the root folder.

➡️Run node server in the root folder and npm start in the client folder.

➡️App starts running on port 3000. You are good to code!

*Screenshots: *



Do ⭐ the repo if you like and feel free to contribute by raising PR

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