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Cover image for Dear recruiters...
Armando Cifuentes González
Armando Cifuentes González

Posted on

Dear recruiters...

Disclaimer: I used as a cover image the LinkedIn logo because it's in this social network where the phenomenon that I explain happens very frequently.

Dear recruiters.-

Before you send messages left and right via email, WhatsApp, and/or LinkedIn, check out the profile of the people you're messaging.

I've come across messages like "I saw your profile and was surprised by your experience", "I'm writing to you because we have a Java/.NET/JS + React developer position" (when I'm not a developer), "I saw your profile, and I thought you might be a good fit for a position..." (when they didn't actually see my profile), etc. Anyone realizes that the messages are not personalized, many of them are automated. They just copy and paste the text and send it to everyone.

Really review the profiles of the people you want to hire, and review the requirements that you are asking for in order to fill the vacancy: Study them, and if necessary ask if that is what the company and/or the client really want, and prepare a more ad hoc profile to what is needed.

Also, analyze the companies where the people you want to recruit are in order to not offer fewer benefits & perks, salaries, or bad projects.

I hope you don't take my post the wrong way. Have a great day!


  • Please, don't use fake profiles to recruit people. I've received messages/connections from people who introduce themselves with X name and end up saying goodbye with Y name, or they use fake photos or email addresses of dubious origin.

Any comments?

Top comments (2)

louiseann93 profile image
Lou Willoughby

I’m quite new to networking but I’ve always been good at spotting scams on social media. I recently received a message on LinkedIn of someone offering me a discount code to their product, it was advertised as if I’m in marketing and I’m not I’m a developer so I passed it onto my marketing team and replied quite nicely explaining so to then receive a very half arsed reply. After seeing this I realise it was definitely a copy and paste or automated email to start and the woman didn’t actually care. Will definitely be less naive in the future 🤦🏼‍♀️

arcigo profile image
Armando Cifuentes González

A lot of people don't actually care about that kind of messages