
Arham Rumi
Arham Rumi

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Stand Out on GitHub: How to Create an Eye-Catching Profile README

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Your GitHub profile is your virtual identity in the coding community. But how can you make it stand out? By adding a profile README! In this step-by-step guide, we'll show you how to create an engaging profile README that will showcase your skills, projects, social media and much more to the world.

  1. Create a new repository:
  • Go to your GitHub profile page
  • Click on the "Repositories" tab
  • Click the green "New" button
  • Name your repository "username" (replace "username" with your actual GitHub username. This is the most important thing)
  • Select "Public" and check "Add a README file"
  • Choose a license if you want
  • Click "Create repository"

Creating New Repository

2. Edit your README file:

  • Open your newly created repository
  • Click on the README file
  • Click on the pencil icon to edit the file
  • Add your content using Markdown syntax
  • Preview your changes by clicking the "Preview changes" tab
  • When you're done, click the "Commit changes" button at the bottom of the page

Editing Readme

  1. Customize your Profile ReadMe You can generate awesome profile ReadMe from many online tools. Some of them are:

Generate the ReadMe file from your selected resource. Copy the code, repeat the step 2 again and commit changes. Congratulations! You have successfully added a profile README to your GitHub profile.
Here is the link to my GitHub profile

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