Your GitHub profile is your virtual identity in the coding community. But how can you make it stand out? By adding a profile README! In this step-by-step guide, we'll show you how to create an engaging profile README that will showcase your skills, projects, social media and much more to the world.
- Create a new repository:
- Go to your GitHub profile page
- Click on the "Repositories" tab
- Click the green "New" button
- Name your repository "username" (replace "username" with your actual GitHub username. This is the most important thing)
- Select "Public" and check "Add a README file"
- Choose a license if you want
- Click "Create repository"
2. Edit your README file:
- Open your newly created repository
- Click on the README file
- Click on the pencil icon to edit the file
- Add your content using Markdown syntax
- Preview your changes by clicking the "Preview changes" tab
- When you're done, click the "Commit changes" button at the bottom of the page
- Customize your Profile ReadMe You can generate awesome profile ReadMe from many online tools. Some of them are:
Generate the ReadMe file from your selected resource. Copy the code, repeat the step 2 again and commit changes. Congratulations! You have successfully added a profile README to your GitHub profile.
Here is the link to my GitHub profile
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