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Arian Adeli
Arian Adeli

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How my comment led to a new startup

This one's for fellow indie hackers who don't engage or are hesitant to build in public. Let me tell you a short story.

A while back, Feedboard launched on Product Hunt by Fabio Monzani.

I hardly ever used to engage on Product Hunt. Even if I loved the product, I never used to upvote it. Oddly enough, I had the idea of launching something similar to Feedboard for months prior, so when I saw it, I had to click.

Not only did I click, I also upvoted, registered and commented the following:

"@ monzanifabio all looks good! It would perhaps be more useful if you could implement a daily/weekly recap of updates to your feed? Or perhaps a snapshot of your feeds at the end of the day or week? The interface is really nice and the features are great but I would find myself a lot more likely checking an email like that than loading up the website. Hope this helps!"

He responded, it was all fine. A few days later, I was having a conversation with someone random on Reddit about getting feedback on one of MY projects. Guess what? It was Fabio!

We exchanged Twitters and ended up hopping on a call. After a bit of discussion, even briefly about an acquisition, we realized that it would align well for us to partner up on Feedboard.

I won't get into the details of our arrangement but we have been doing some exciting things since then, and we are planning to start a few more projects together in the future!

Moral of the story? Leave that comment.

Do you have any similar stories that led to something bigger than you originally expected?

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