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Arief Warazuhudien
Arief Warazuhudien

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Embracing Operational-Centric Architecture in NodeJS Microservice Applications

In the dynamic realm of software engineering, the architecture adopted for microservice applications plays a pivotal role in their operational efficiency and overall success. The move towards an operational-centric architecture signifies a strategic alignment with business functionalities, fostering a more intuitive and manageable development environment.

The Evolution Towards Operational-Centric Design

Historically, software architectures have evolved from monolithic designs to more granular, service-oriented patterns. This evolution reflects a broader industry shift towards agility, scalability, and continuous integration/deployment practices. Within this context, the operational-centric architecture for microservices emerges as a response to the need for more adaptable and business-aligned frameworks.

Drawing on principles from domain-driven design (DDD), this architectural style emphasizes the importance of reflecting business domains in software structures. It also incorporates lessons from service-oriented architecture (SOA) by delineating services based on business capabilities, thus promoting modularity and ease of maintenance.

Aligning Software with Business Objectives

An operational-centric architecture facilitates a direct correlation between software components and business operations, thereby enhancing the transparency and traceability of the application. It aids stakeholders from various backgrounds—be it technical or non-technical—to have a unified understanding of the application's structure and functionalities. This alignment not only simplifies the development and scaling processes but also streamlines communication across different teams, fostering a collaborative environment that is conducive to innovation and rapid iteration.

Implications for Microservice Applications

In the microservice ecosystem, where applications are decomposed into small, independently deployable services, an operational-centric approach provides a clear framework for organizing these services around distinct business functionalities. It encourages developers to think in terms of business outcomes, leading to more coherent and focused service design. Moreover, this architecture supports the principles of autonomy and decentralized governance intrinsic to microservices, enabling teams to develop, deploy, and scale their services independently.

In conclusion, adopting an operational-centric architecture in microservice applications represents a strategic alignment with contemporary software development paradigms. It underscores a commitment to business agility, service modularity, and team collaboration, setting a solid foundation for building resilient, user-centric applications that can adapt swiftly to changing business needs.

Leveraging Operational-Centric Architecture for Enhanced Microservice Efficacy

The operational-centric architecture in microservices is not just a structural choice—it's a strategic advantage. By organizing services around business operations, this architectural style enhances several key aspects of software development and operation, offering tangible benefits to both development teams and the end-users.

Enhanced Modularity and Scalability

One of the foremost advantages of an operational-centric architecture is the enhanced modularity it offers. Each service is designed around a specific set of operations, making it easier to understand, develop, test, and maintain. This modularity also translates to better scalability, as services can be scaled independently based on their specific demands and usage patterns, optimizing resource utilization and performance.

Improved Alignment with Business Objectives

Operational-centric architecture ensures that each microservice closely aligns with a specific business function or operation, facilitating clearer communication and better alignment between technical teams and business stakeholders. This alignment helps ensure that the software evolves in sync with business needs, supporting agile responses to market changes or new opportunities.

Increased Development Velocity and Team Autonomy

By breaking down the application into operationally focused microservices, teams can work on discrete components of the application in parallel, increasing development velocity. This structure supports the autonomy of development teams, allowing them to make decisions locally and respond more quickly to their specific challenges and requirements without waiting for broader consensus.

Simplified Maintenance and Troubleshooting

An operational-centric approach simplifies the maintenance of microservices by clearly delineating service boundaries and responsibilities. When issues arise, it's easier to pinpoint the affected service and address the problem without extensive cross-service impact assessments. This clear separation of concerns also aids in more straightforward troubleshooting and debugging processes.

Facilitated Evolution and Technological Agility

The decoupled nature of this architecture allows individual services to evolve independently, fostering technological agility. Teams can adopt new technologies, update frameworks, or refactor their services with minimal impact on the broader application ecosystem. This flexibility ensures that the application remains at the forefront of technological advancements and can quickly adapt to new technical opportunities or requirements.

The operational-centric architecture imbues microservice applications with the flexibility, scalability, and clarity needed to thrive in today's fast-paced and ever-changing technological landscape. By aligning software components with business operations, organizations can achieve a more responsive, robust, and user-centric application ecosystem.

Proposed Structure

The operational-centric architecture establishes a robust framework for microservice applications, delineating a clear path for structuring and managing services. This section outlines the recommended structure and concludes with key takeaways on implementing this architecture effectively.

Defining the Operational-Centric Structure

In the operational-centric architecture, each component is purposefully designed and organized to streamline development and enhance service management:

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  • /assets: This directory is dedicated to static resources that the application may require, including images, stylesheets, and JavaScript files, facilitating a centralized resource hub for UI elements.

  • /operations: Central to this architecture, the operations directory houses logic files that directly correspond to business functionalities, such as ${domain}-api.js, ensuring that each service is distinctly focused on particular operational outcomes.

  • /procedures: Reflecting the data interaction layer, this directory encapsulates data access and manipulation logic within files like ${domain}-dbm.js, abstracting the intricacies of database operations and promoting reuse and modularity.

  • /renderers: This segment, crucial for generating user-facing content, includes scripts such as ${domain}-page.js that render data into HTML format, leveraging templates for dynamic content generation.

  • /templates: Serving as the foundation for view rendering, this directory stores HTML templates, such as ${domain}.html, which are instrumental in defining the structure and layout of rendered pages.

Implementing and Concluding Thoughts

Implementing an operational-centric architecture requires a thoughtful approach to defining and segregating functionalities based on business operations, ensuring that each microservice remains focused, coherent, and aligned with its intended purpose. The prescribed structure facilitates this by providing a clear organizational schema that delineates responsibilities and enhances service cohesion.


Adopting an operational-centric architecture in microservice applications offers a strategic blueprint for building scalable, maintainable, and business-aligned services. It underscores the importance of clarity and purpose in service design, advocating for a structure that mirrors business operations to enhance agility and responsiveness. By embracing this architectural framework, development teams can foster a more intuitive, flexible, and robust microservice ecosystem, poised to adapt and thrive amidst the ever-evolving technological and business landscapes.

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