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Arindam Sahoo
Arindam Sahoo

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How Plotly is Better than Matplotlib and Seaborn (and Where It Falls Short)

When it comes to data visualization in Python, three names often come up: Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Plotly. Each of these libraries has its own strengths and weaknesses, catering to different needs and preferences. In this post, we'll explore why Plotly stands out compared to Matplotlib and Seaborn, and also touch upon its limitations.

Why Plotly Shines

1. Interactivity

Plotly is renowned for its interactivity. Unlike Matplotlib and Seaborn, which primarily produce static plots, Plotly generates interactive plots that allow users to zoom, pan, and hover to get more details. This feature is incredibly useful for exploratory data analysis and presentations where deeper insights are often needed.

import as px
df =
fig = px.scatter(df, x='sepal_width', y='sepal_length', color='species')
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2. Ease of Use

Plotly's high-level API makes it easy to create complex visualizations with minimal code. Plotly Express, a submodule of Plotly, is particularly user-friendly and allows for quick generation of plots without the need for extensive customization.

import as px
fig = px.histogram(df, x="sepal_length", nbins=20)
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3. Aesthetics

Plotly's default aesthetics are modern and visually appealing. While Seaborn offers some improvements over Matplotlib in terms of aesthetics, Plotly's output often looks more polished right out of the box. This makes it an excellent choice for creating publication-quality visuals with minimal effort.

4. Integration with Dash

Plotly integrates seamlessly with Dash, a framework for building analytical web applications. This makes it possible to create interactive, web-based dashboards without needing to dive into JavaScript, a significant advantage for Python developers.

5. Support for 3D Plots and Geospatial Data

Plotly provides excellent support for 3D plots and geospatial data visualizations. These capabilities are either limited or require additional libraries in Matplotlib and Seaborn.

import plotly.graph_objects as go

fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Scatter3d(
    x=[1, 2, 3], y=[4, 5, 6], z=[7, 8, 9],
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Where Plotly Falls Short

1. Performance

While Plotly's interactivity is a strong suit, it comes at the cost of performance. Rendering large datasets can be slow compared to Matplotlib and Seaborn. For extremely large datasets, Matplotlib is often more efficient.

2. Learning Curve

Despite its ease of use for basic plots, mastering Plotly's full capabilities, especially its lower-level graph objects API, can be challenging. Matplotlib, although more verbose, has a more straightforward learning curve for those familiar with traditional plotting paradigms.

3. Dependence on Web Technologies

Plotly's interactive plots are rendered using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This can be a disadvantage in environments where web access is restricted or not available. In contrast, Matplotlib and Seaborn generate static images that are easy to embed in non-web contexts.

4. File Size and Complexity

Interactive plots can lead to larger file sizes and more complex HTML documents. This can be a concern when sharing results or embedding plots in web pages where performance and simplicity are crucial.

5. Limited Customization Compared to Matplotlib

For highly specialized plots, Matplotlib still holds the crown. Its extensive customization options, though sometimes complex, allow for fine-tuning that is not always possible in Plotly.


Plotly, Matplotlib, and Seaborn each have their own strengths and are suited to different tasks. Plotly excels in interactivity, ease of use, aesthetics, and integration with web technologies, making it an excellent choice for interactive dashboards and exploratory data analysis. However, its performance with large datasets, learning curve, and dependence on web technologies can be limitations.

For those seeking a balance between simplicity and power, Seaborn is a great choice, building on Matplotlib's foundation with enhanced aesthetics and simpler syntax. Meanwhile, Matplotlib remains indispensable for those needing the ultimate level of control and customization.

Choosing the right tool often depends on the specific requirements of the task at hand. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each library can help you make an informed decision and leverage the best of what each has to offer.

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