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Arno Solo
Arno Solo

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How to import code editor in web

After reading this article, you will know how to introduce the same code editor as VS Code (Monaco Editor) in your web pages.

Yesterday my boss took on an old and new project, it's new because the vue version used is vue3, it's old because this runs all over the street, and there are js everywhere .

Fortunately, I just need to add a SQL query interface, which is not difficult. Problem is the sql input should have code highlighted. I found some vue components, tried them and found that they didn't work. Finally, I found this Monaco Editor and it works.

The following example is written in ts. If you're using js, remove the types

npm install monaco-editor
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Wrap into a component

<!-- CodeEditor.vue -->
<script setup lang="ts">
import * as monaco from 'monaco-editor'
import { onMounted, ref, watch } from 'vue'

const emit = defineEmits(['updateContent'])

const monaco_editor_el = ref<HTMLDivElement>()

let monacoEditor: monaco.editor.IStandaloneCodeEditor

// DOM elements can only be obtained after the component is mounted
onMounted(() => {
  if (monaco_editor_el.value) {
    monacoEditor = monaco.editor.create(monaco_editor_el.value, {
      value: '',
      language: 'sql',
      automaticLayout: true,

    monacoEditor.onDidChangeModelContent(() => {
      if (monacoEditor) {
        emit('updateContent', monacoEditor.getValue())

  <div class="border-1 border-gray-200 py-4 pr-4">
    <div ref="monaco_editor_el" class="h-200px" />
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Use the component

<script setup lang="ts">
const sqlContent = ref('')
function handleContentUpdate(newVal: string) {
  sqlContent.value = newVal

    <code-editor @update-content="handleContentUpdate" />
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