MD file is a text file created using one of several possible dialects of the Markdown language. It is saved in plain text format but includes inline symbols that define how to format the text (e.g. bold, indentations, headers, table formatting). MD files are designed for authoring plain text documentation that can be easily converted to HTML.
Since I love doing web development, I tried my hands on the Md file, and it seems we can learn it easily, and it is really fun thing to learn. And as I was writing some code I realized it can be a perfect thing to get started with, if you want to learn designing since its simple, and you can write the HTML code there as well. But the most awesome part was being able to customize it the way I wanted. I learned that # was used for the title and ## was a subtitle (like h1 and h2 if you are familiar with HTML). I didn’t stop there, I went and google searched some awesome GitHub files. And there I realized that it was not just about writing some code that was fun, it was the part where we have the power to change it the way we want. The awesome feeling like being able to say some magic words and make something appear.
Then after sometime I got to know Jupyter Notebook, and since I always loved python and frontend web development. I now had the ability to write awesome python codes and explain them to my friends in the way I wanted with the awesome MD files.
But Markdown is not just about the fun, it if also future-proof. Even if the application you’re using stops working at some point in the future, you’ll still be able to read your Markdown-formatted text using a text editing application. This is an important consideration when it comes to books, university theses, and other milestone documents that need to be preserved indefinitely. And also Markdown is everywhere. Websites like Reddit and GitHub support Markdown, and lots of desktop and web-based applications support it.
So you might be asking where can i get started, well here are some options:
How do I open an MD file?
You can open and edit an MD file in any text editor, including:
Microsoft Notepad (Windows)
GitHub Atom (cross-platform)
Vs Code
Google Chrome Text (Chrome OS)
Webstorm / Phpstrom ( I personally use them)
Now lets try some cool things shall we?
Syntax guide:
# This is an <h1> tag
## This is an <h2> tag
###### This is an <h6> tag

As Kanye West said:
> We're living the future so
> the present is our past.
|Name|Email|Address|<====== This is the heading of the table
|----|-----|-------|<====== This is the separator.
|Aditya||Address1| <=== This is the table body.
Ok here is a little extras to spice it up! We can use css styling Yayyy! Though it has to be inline. And also lots of emojis:)
specify a img width and height:
I would definitely recommend you to go and try it out. Here are some useful links:
Here is the explanation, of how to use emojis. Clickme
And a cool google philosophy on styling: Clickme
And here is my github file:
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