VanJS comes with some flavours, thanks to Eckehard and Olivier Monnier
The 'DML' flavour from Eckehard VanDML and the 'HTM' suggested by Olivier.
Here is the example presented by Olivier :
import htm from ''
import van from "./van-0.11.10.min.js"
function h(type, props, ...children) {
const tag = van.tags[type]
if (props) return tag(props, ...children)
return tag(...children)
const html = htm.bind(h)
const counter = van.state(0)
const app = html`<div>
β€οΈ ${counter}
<button onclick="${() => ++counter.val}">π</button>
<button onclick="${() => --counter.val}">π</button>
You can play with it here VanHTM
Notes than you can mix the flavours, feel free :-)
import htm from ''
import van from "./van.js"
const { div, button } = van.tags
function h(type, props, ...children) {
const tag = van.tags[type]
if (props) return tag(props, ...children)
return tag(...children)
const html = htm.bind(h)
const counter = van.state(0)
function Incer() {
return button({onclick:() => ++counter.val}, 'π')
function Decer() {
return button({onclick:() => --counter.val}, 'π')
const app = html`
${div({onclick:() => alert(counter.val)}, 'β€οΈ', counter)}
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