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Arun Pal
Arun Pal

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How I cleared CKA exam?

Recently I cleared CKA exam by scoring 83/100 and now wanted to share my tips and tricks which might help you to crack it.


  1. Please note before going CKA exam you should have a good understanding about linux administrator and container or docker.
  2. You can start mumshad cka course from kodekloud or buy cka exam bundle during exam registration. Both are good resource for preparation purpose.
  3. Wanted to get better knowledge about kubernetes then you can read blog of iximiuz
  4. Along with above you can also refer youtube video of tech world with nana

Practice, practice and practice

  1. Along with theoretical knowledge from above preparation material, do as much as lab/exercise you can.
  2. Along with exam buy, you will also get simulator like real exam for practice from . You get two sessions in the same simulator, both have the same questions. So do as much practice as you can.
  3. I feel questions provided from this freecode blog are useful for practice purpose.

Tips for exam

  1. Time is key so use it wisely, don't stuck in any single question for long time instead flag it and try to solve it later if time permit.
  2. Please note during exam they provide their own PSI browser so all bookmarks related to kubernetes won't work.
  3. Before starting on first question split your screen vertically in three part such as 20% for question part , 40% for terminal, 40% for firefox browser. Make sure to use as large monitor as possible mine was 24inch
  4. Most important to update your .bashrc with following snippet
alias k='eval kubectl'
alias kf='kubectl create -f'
alias kg='kubectl get'
export do='--dry-run=client -o yaml'
export ex='--help | sed -n "/Examples:/,/^[A-Z]/p"' # eval in alias of k is important to execute ex
alias kc='kubectl config set-context '
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This way you will save lots of time, you can use above command as below

# To create resource from file as pod.yaml
kf pod.yaml
# To show all service in default namespace
kg svc
# Create yaml file before creating resource
kubectl create deployment my-deploy --replicas 2 --image nginx $do > mydeploy.yaml
# See examples from help
k create role $ex
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Here is my certificate


Best of luck for your exam.

If you want to get introductory information before deciding to go for exam , I would suggest to take a look on this article Kubernetes – Basic Concepts

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